Victoria Justice Reveals Her Favorite Workouts and Struggle With Hashimoto's Disease


Singer, actress, and former Nickelodeon star Victoria Justice stars on the cover of Health magazine's November issue, glowing and toned. The 22-year-old opens up in an interview about being diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune disorder, and how its affected her diet, weight, and self-confidence. Read ahead for quotes from Victoria on her favorite workouts and ways she stays balanced.

  • On her struggles with Hashimoto's disease: "A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, which is a thyroid autoimmune disorder. . . . This Korean acupuncturist put me on a super-strict diet, where I was a pescatarian…. I also couldn't eat any sugar, wheat or dairy. . . .They had put me on this thyroid medication, and I think the levels were too high for me because it caused my skin to break out. . . .Also, at first, I was losing a lot of weight, then I went on tour and I started gaining weight, and it was the most I'd ever gained in my life. I was, like, 115 pounds. Then when I filmed a movie last summer, I actually went under 100 pounds. It was crazy, but things have leveled out, and I'm back to normal."
  • On her self-confidence: "It definitely did affect my confidence, and it made me a little bit more self-conscious. But at the end of the day, I had the support of my family and friends. I knew that the people around me had my back. Now I really empathize with people who have issues with their skin, because it can get you down."
  • On her workouts: "I love taking classes to switch it up, so I'll do a dancing class or a twerk class…. It's actually a really great workout. After 10 minutes of twerking, your thighs and your butt feel it right away. [Laughs] But it's so much fun. You feel free. It's like, 'Who cares? I'm twerking!'"
  • On how she stays centered: "I try to meditate every day. It's important to take that time, even if it's just 10 minutes, to block everything out and get grounded again. And I love to lie on my hammock and read things that are inspirational and motivational, whether it's a self-help book or an autobiography."
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