7 Ways to Make Your Small Bathroom Feel Spacious

Flickr user Simon Law

Designing a small bathroom can be challenging, especially if you are on a budget. The best way to make it more functional is to increase the floor space while allowing all the essentials to fit in the right way. Although renovating the entire bathroom according to your needs is a good option, it can be really expensive, mainly if you want to entirely change the plumbing. But if you are on a limited budget, you can still add a lot of space to make it more functional. Here are seven ways to do it!


Use a Transparent Shower Area

No need to cut your shower space or move it over a small corner. Instead, use a see-through wall. It is not only trendy but will also help you create an illusion of a bigger bathroom. This low-cost alternative can completely change the look of your bathroom and offer up the feel of more space without any effort. Cemented enclosures may make the bathroom appear even smaller, so never go for a cemented or tile enclosure. A sliding shower door will help you add space. If you do not use a tub and if it is taking too much of the floor space, consider getting rid of it. Replace it with a shower enclosure for the best usage of your floor space.


Create Open Storage

Cabinets are an essential part of any bathroom but may take up a lot of space. The best way to store your essentials is to create open storage. Flaunt your colorful towels on an open shelf at the side of your mirror. Add an open shelf above the sink to store toothbrushes, razors, and other supplies. Use storage ladders at one corner of your bathroom to store your items without blocking the view of the room. You may also create a shelf over the bathroom door to store additional stuff. A wall-mounted open shelf above the toilet may also create a lot of space for storage.


Get a Pedestal Sink

Pedestal sinks are a great way to rediscover the space in your bathroom. They are elegant, sleek, and highly functional. Traditional sinks and vanities tend to reduce floor space and have a bulky appearance, which is not suitable for small bathrooms. A pedestal sink takes up less space and makes your bathroom appear bigger. Installing such a sink is extremely easy and can be done without wasting too much money on plumbing.


Use Galvanized Pipes for DIY Bathroom Hardware

Using galvanized pipes for creating different storage ideas may add a whole new dimension to your bathroom. They are not only sturdy and durable but also help in lowering overall cost. They are easily available in any home-improvement store and can be used to make shelf stands, a toilet-paper holder, and wall-mounted towel holders. If you have elders at home, you may use them to create support at different places. All you need to do is just cut the pipes at an appropriate length according to your needs and fix them with galvanized 90-degree elbow and close nipple to make your own space-saving hardware.


Use Long Curtains

Curtains of a shorter length may fulfill your purpose but may reduce the overall length of the room. This is especially important for shower curtains. If there is no enclosure and you need to use curtains to separate the area, consider placing the curtain rod high near the roof, so that you may get longer curtains. It will surprisingly create an illusion of a larger space. Be sure to buy curtains of neutral colors that match your wall color and the floor tiles. Always get the same curtains for the windows to create a cohesive look in your bathroom.


Work With Mirrors

Mirrors may have an amazing effect on maximizing the existing space. A large mirror over the sink with ample lights will not only brighten your bathroom but will be very functional. You may also cover your cabinets with mirrors to reflect back light and create the illusion of more space. You can add large mirrors on the walls and at the back of the bathroom door for adding space on a budget.


Play With the Lights

The right amount of light can make a significant difference in how large your bathroom appears. Usually, dark areas will make your bathroom appear smaller and less attractive. Be sure to add lights on every corner to improve the aesthetics while making the room appear bigger. You may install spotlights to focus on certain parts of the bathroom and use them separately. Allow natural light to enter your bathroom during the day by opening up windows.

All of these ideas to add space to your bathroom can be done without any professional help, thus saving you money. You can just use the existing material or buy a few minor items to make your bathroom unique and trendy.

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