Lili Reinhart Is Kinda Horny on TikTok, and We Love It

Lili Reinhart; TikTok
Getty | Axelle/Bauer-Griffin

Lili Reinhart is me. I am Lili Reinhart. The "Riverdale" star posted a TikTok of her reenacting the moment when she got caught looking up boobs on her family computer, and I've never felt so seen (and relieved I knew how to erase my search history). The text on the video reads, "My mom asking 10-year-old me why 'boobs' was on our family computer search history." TikTok users found the content painfully relatable, with comments like, "I'm so glad this was a universal experience."

Reinhart came out as bisexual in 2020, and as a fellow queer woman, I love that she is being her whole-ass self online. It seems to me that her recent content is for the closeted femmes who grew up on American Girl's "The Care & Keeping of You: The Body Book For Girls" (IYKYK), and I'll admit: it's fun to poke fun at something that brought us so much anxiety in our youth.

Many TikTok users watched the eight-second video and were immediately plunged into the feeling of cringe. Influencer Mik Zazon commented, "My parents sent me to a Christian school after 😅😭." Others shared how they strategically maneuvered the embarrassing interrogation. One user shifted the narrative to their interest in their own changing anatomy rather than sexuality: "'well [my boobs] aren't there, I'm searching for signs of when they'll come' THEY BOUGHT IT or they didn't wanna know."

The burning question we all had, though: did she confess? "[B]lamed it on my sister's friend," she wrote in the caption. I mean, what else are sisters good for but to frame them and their friends for searching for pornographic images? Along the same vein, someone commented they got caught for the Google search "girls kissing" and that they blamed it on their cousin "who turned out to be actually lesbian so it worked out so well for me at the time🙈🙈."

But this is just one of Reinhart's many recent TikToks that are giving us major *smirk emoji* energy. In another post, Reinhart reacted to a video of an influencer straddling a body-roll machine, which is said to help with lymphatic drainage. But her deafening silence and suggestive side eye said what we were all thinking: it looks like a massive sex toy. (Perhaps something we should add to POPSUGAR's gift guide this year?)

Then, a few days later, fans started to question Reinhart's For You Page when she shared her reaction to a small-business page posting about a "BFF butthole" clay keychain being made to order. (They are, indeed, clay keychains made to look like buttholes.) "You're gonna need to stop right there," she says, laughing at the stitched audio. "How could I possibly continue on with the video after hearing that sentence? But anyways, love to support unique female businesses. 👏🏻" she writes in the caption.

Whether your sex education came from the classic American Girl book or googling "boobs" on the family computer ( . . . or watching Reinhart's TikToks), there's a thrill in finding community in our shared, awkward adolescence. We thank Reinhart for reminding us and for doing her own bit to help make the internet a more sex-positive place.

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