Watch Samantha Bee Utterly Destroy Ted Cruz 1 Last Time

Like many people, TBS late-night host Samantha Bee was blindsided when Ted Cruz announced he was ending his presidential campaign last week. But unlike many people, she produced a segment bidding fareware to the Republican senator from Texas.

Watch the video for a look back at all the names she has called Cruz on her show, including but not limited to: Princeton's unwanted fetus, fist-faced horse sh*t salesman, and unflushable toilet clog. "Godspeed you terrifying, fundamentalist swamp Reagan," she said.

Bee did have some kind words about Cruz, though: "Respect to Ted Cruz for fighting the good fight against the asteroid that just destroyed a party of dinosaurs."

Want more Samantha Bee? Read up on why she's the best thing to happen to late-night TV.

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