Jupiter Retrograde Is Giving Major YOLO Energy

Jupiter Retrograde 2023
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Given just how frequently Mercury retrograde occurs, the last thing you probably want to hear is that another planet is embarking on its annual backspin. But Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, will be doing exactly that from Sept. 4 to Dec. 30, 2023.

In astrology, Jupiter's known as the great benefic. Its purpose is to bring fortune, joy, knowledge, and wisdom, but also serve as a magnifying glass that amplifies everything it comes in contact with. Think of Jupiter as the planetary equivalent of a buoyant emcee whose job it is to crank up the volume of whatever's happening in the sky. For example, when Jupiter connects with your Venus sign, which enhances how you relate to others and express yourself creatively, as well as what you value — it could bring luck and energy to your relationships and finances.

And every year, for about four months, the solar system's largest planet appears to move backward through the sky. In 2023, Jupiter will kick off its retrograde in the fixed earth sign Taurus. Read on for the meaning of Jupiter retrograde as well as details on what to expect for your sign as the planet as it moves backward this year.

What Does Jupiter Retrograde Mean in Astrology?

In order to understand what happens when Jupiter is retrograde, it can help to first wrap your head around how the planet functions when it's direct. Whether it's hitting a placement in your chart or another planet or luminary in the sky, Jupiter's job is to push for more, more, and more of whatever it's connecting with. The planet of abundance oversees expansion in every sense — especially when it comes to cultivating knowledge and broadening your horizons.

Jupiter transits will push you beyond your boundaries (the same ones that Saturn often inspires you to set), encouraging you to have faith and go with your gut. It's basically the planet of YOLO, bolstering optimism and a desire to leap into the unknown for the sake of having an extraordinary experience and broadening your consciousness. The flip side of the great benefic is that it can sometimes encourage you to bite off more than you can chew. Just like any planet, Jupiter's effect when it's moving forward can be most felt in an external way.

When it's moving backward, it's less concerned with affecting the things happening in your world — your work responsibilities, your love life, your living situation — and more interested in inner work and self-reflection, especially that related to the house that it's moving through in your chart. Say it's currently in your fifth house of romance and self-expression (looking at you, Sagittarians and Scorpios!). While direct, Jupiter in your fifth house can set your dating and love life ablaze — think: more matches, hookups, flirty texts, fireworks — and it can also make for more creative projects and spontaneous fun with friends. But while it's moving backward, Jupiter nudges you to see the big picture. For instance, you might find yourself realizing that while you might be having a blast, it's still important to work toward what you ultimately want to achieve romantically and creatively.

Because Jupiter oversees knowledge and wisdom, the planet's retrogrades also spur a lot of philosophizing and questioning the rules associated with the area of life that it's magnifying. Let's say Jupiter is in your eighth house of joint resources. During that time, you could be questioning whether you and your partner should be saving up for a down payment on a house — or maybe exploring different investments that speak even more to your shared values.

It bears noting that as with any astrological event, you may not feel this Jupiter retrograde as acutely as you might experience, say, a full moon or Mercury retrograde. That's because Jupiter's effects tend to build over the course of its long-term transits versus throwing you for a loop with any kind of dramatic, in-your-face series of events.

When Is Jupiter Retrograde 2023, and How Can You Prepare For It?

In 2023, Jupiter is retrograde from Monday, Sept. 4, to Saturday, Dec. 30, in the fixed earth sign Taurus. Thanks to these long retrograde periods and Jupiter's pace through the signs, it spends about a year in a sign, taking about 12 years to make one full revolution through the zodiac. It has been in Taurus since May 16 and will not fully exit the sign of the bull for Gemini until May 25, 2024.

In turn, we're currently in the midst of Jupiter expanding and magnifying themes related to Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus, the planet of relationships, money, and art. It's why we're having big-picture conversations around money (inflation, anyone?), beauty standards, and idealistic love (moon-phase compatibility and soulmate tests abound on TikTok).

But while retrograde is in effect, you could find you're compelled to move inward and meditate on big-picture, Jupiterian matters, such as your moneymaking goals or what you want out of your next long-term relationship. A few ways to prepare for and make the most of this transit:

1. Prioritize self-reflection.

Taurus is known for being the slowest-paced sign, refusing to be hurried in how they move through the world and make decisions. As Jupiter moves backward through the sign of the bull, build more quiet downtime into your schedule, as it could not only prove truly rejuvenating but set the stage for breakthroughs about how you can best make your own luck once Jupiter moves direct in the new year.

2. Nurture your inner life.

We're so accustomed to looking to external experiences (like long-distance trips), other people (like our significant others), and our careers to bring us a feeling of fortune, but while Jupiter is retrograde, you'll do best to look for and nurture abundance in your inner life. Practice gratitude, center spiritual practices, and allow yourself time and space to think about the horizon-broadening experiences you want to pursue once Jupiter is moving forward.

3. Consider where you can push boundaries.

While Saturn is the planet of limitations and regulations, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, fueling our desire to want more of whatever it is connecting with. (Say it is in your fifth house of romance and self-expression; you'll crave more flirtation, fun date nights, and opportunities to own and share your creative voice.) Through its retrograde, you might reflect on areas and ways in which you can stretch your wings and bring more of what you desire into your day-to-day world.

How the 2023 Jupiter Retrograde Will Affect the Zodiac Signs

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Jupiter has been in your second house of income since May 16, bringing in more opportunities to boost your cash flow and laser-focusing your thoughts around how much you're valued and what you put value in. But as it moves backward, it's time to get serious about which long-term dreams and moneymaking projects actually deserve your energy — and how you can make them a reality.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

Jupiter has been in your sign since May 16, cranking up your desire to hit personal goals and make your mark. But as it moves backward there, you'll have to take a step back yourself and think about whether you're on track. Are you truly putting all your energy toward projects and relationships that are the best fit? Is it possible to dream bigger, prioritize eye-opening experiences, and hone your skill set in a way that will ultimately bolster your passions and allow you to earn rewards from the activities you most value? Extra time spent going inward can help you answer these questions.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

As Jupiter has moved ahead in your twelfth house of spirituality since May 16, it has been expanding your dreams. You tend to prefer to focus on socializing, learning, researching, and forging new connections, but the planet of abundance has encouraged you to slow down, prioritize rest and recharging time, and to give more credence to your imagination and unconscious. As it goes retrograde, this will be even more the case, and you could find caring for your inner self as much as you do your social life truly benefits your overall well-being.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

Jupiter's been in your eleventh house of networking and aspirations since May 16, expanding your opportunities to connect and collaborate with colleagues and friends on shared goals. You might also feel like lofty intentions you've dreamed about making a reality for years are finally starting to come to fruition. As the planet of luck moves backward, you'll have several months to meditate on which team efforts are truly worth your energy and which strategies will lead to making your long-term wishes come true.

Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)

As Jupiter has moved through your tenth house of career since May 16, you've been itching for more big picture projects, leadership opportunities, and, perhaps most importantly, recognition for all of your hard work. You've probably gotten props from higher-ups or other people you respect and admire, which has been super-satisfying, but you're realizing there's still more progress to be made. As Jupiter moves backward there, it's time to get crystal clear on exactly what you want to achieve and what you want to be recognized for — and how you plan to make that happen. Checking in with your intuition on all of this is a must.

Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)

Jupiter has been moving through your ninth house of adventure since May 16, expanding your ability to learn, get out of your comfort zone, pick up new skill sets, and perhaps even get your writing or similarly cerebrally-charged projects out there into the world. But as the planet of abundance moves backward, you'll move inward, feeling more adventurous in a self-reflective way. You could have exciting, artistic brainstorms or an epiphany about a long-distance trip you want to take. Either way, by tuning into your gut, you'll find a way to make your vision a concrete reality in the new year.

Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)

Jupiter's been moving through your eighth house of emotional bonds since May 16, throwing a magnifying glass over your most intimate relationships as well as joint resources. This has been a wonderful time to learn more about investments, real estate, and other financial projects that you may be exploring or diving into alongside a loved one. As Jupiter goes retrograde, you'll have a chance to reassess any endeavors along these lines — and also gain clarity on what kind of physical, mental, and emotional bonding time will prove most fulfilling within your deepest relationships.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)

Jupiter's trip through your seventh house of partnership has been magnifying all of your one-on-one relationships: romantic, platonic, and professional. You've probably been pretty blissed out with Jupiter there, feeling like you've never been happier within your bonds. While it's retrograde, you get a chance to reassess how you're showing up for others — and how they're showing up for you. Remember: reciprocity is crucial.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)

Jupiter has been moving through your sixth house of wellness and daily routine since May 16, expanding your everyday hustle. You've probably had more work thrown your way, more chances to meet up with friends on a regular basis, and a greater desire to experiment with your health and fitness regimen. As Jupiter, which also happens to be your ruling planet, is retrograde there, you'll be nudged to think about what commitments are worth your time and which can go. You're usually so apt to saying "yes" and taking on more, more, more, but you may realize that streamlining your day-to-day life could make you even more productive — and joyful.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)

As Jupiter has moved through your fifth house of romance and self-expression since May 16, you've been taking a lighter, more spontaneous approach to life. You've been drawn to creative pastimes and feeling more flirtatious and lighthearted. If you're single, you might find your dating life is particularly active, and if you're attached, you could feel like you're falling in love all over again with your S.O. As the great benefic moves backward here, you'll have a chance to slow down and reimagine what you want this area of your life to look like — now and in the long-run. Pleasure might need to be more of a priority from here on out.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)

Jupiter has been in your fourth house of home life since May 16, throwing a magnifying glass on your domestic and inner, emotional world. While it moves backward there, you could be questioning any recent real estate-related decisions or thinking about how past wishes related to family fit your current or future vision. This could be an especially fruitful moment for intensive therapy, meditation, or journaling to gain clarity on the path that will best bolster your sense of security.

Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)

Jupiter's trip through your third house of communication has been in play since May 16, pumping up the emphasis on your social life and curiosity. Your life is extra buzzy right now, and your calendar could be busting at the seams as you make plans with friends, neighbors, and siblings, if you have them. Short-distance travel (like road trips) are also very much a thing while Jupiter is in this zone. But as it moves backward here, you'll get a chance to assess if you've been spreading yourself too thin. You may be overdue for some R&R and going back to the drawing board to relearn and hone skills you haven't put to use in some time.

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