Photo of author Rhiannon Evans

Rhiannon Evans

Interim Content Director, PS UK
Rhiannon Evans is the interim content director at PS UK, overseeing all the fantastic content on the UK site. Rhiannon has been a journalist for 17 years, starting at local newspapers before moving to work for Heat magazine and Grazia. As a senior editor at Grazia, she helped launch parenting brand The Juggle, worked across brand partnerships, and launched the "Grazia Life Advice" podcast. Rhiannon has worked on several national campaigns, such as Childcare Change Now and successfully fighting for the "rough sex defence" to be outlawed in the UK. An NCE-qualified journalist (yes, with a 120-words-per-minute shorthand), she has written for The Guardian, Vice and Refinery29. She's a mother of two, a Liverpool fan and a proud Essex girl.

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