Proof That Color-Correcting Can Hide Acne Scars Like Magic

If you thought that color-correcting is just another makeup fad, think again. Beauty bloggers and professionals alike have been using multicolored concealers on dark circles and redness to create a clear complexion. One Reddit user proved the popular technique is equally as effective in covering up severe acne scars.

In a thread posted online, she shared the incredible before-and-after images of her face in three phases: without makeup, with foundation only, and with color-correcting concealers. With just the application of a few pigmented concealers, her acne scars were practically undetectable compared to using foundation alone. Scroll through to see her transformation and get inspired to try it out yourself!

No Makeup

Reddit user noodspoon

"I have medium/deep skin that scars easily. Every blemish, knick, breakout leaves me a lovely parting gift- for months. This is actually the best my skin has ever looked, and I'm still kinda nervous."

Up Close

Reddit user noodspoon

"As you can see, I have some full on purple pitted acne scars with marred skin on my jaw that is especially dark around my lips."

Old Foundation Routine

Reddit user noodspoon

"I did one side of my face the old way: foundation layer one, foundation layer two, spot conceal."

New Foundation Routine With Color Correcting

Reddit user noodspoon

"I prep my skin with Skindinavia Primer Spray ($35). I squeeze out a bit of L.A. Girl orange corrector ($5) on my hand mixing it with the L.A. Girl yellow corrector ($5) to make a shade that is close to my skin tone. The L.A. Girl orange corrector is POTENT. Applying it straight on changes my undertone and I felt like my face was a bit "two-toned" post foundation. Mixing it with a pure yellow (or concealer if you need it way lighter) allows it blend seamlessly."

Reddit user noodspoon

"I dot it [the concealer] right over the blemish/scar. I will put the pure yellow corrector directly on the most prominent part of my under eye circles and blend."

Reddit user noodspoon

"Set with Sacha Buttercup powder ($20), using a very light hand. I'll fast forward past my brows/eyes."

Reddit user noodspoon

"I added two more dots near my chin. All the foundation I'm using!"

Reddit user noodspoon

"Conceal and blend the under my eyes. Set with Banana shade in NYX contour palette ($25)"

Results of Old Routine

Reddit user noodspoon

"Two layers of foundation, concealer, creme contour and highlight, and set with powder."

Results With Color-Correcting Routine

Reddit user noodspoon