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Guide to Good Skin Karma

A Must-Read Guide to Good Skin Karma

This is a bad-karma-free zone! We've partnered with Weleda to share how its newly expanded Skin Food line of wellness-infused products can help you keep your skin hydrated and happy from head to toe.

You don't have to believe in karma day-to-day to know that, when it comes to your beauty routine, it's very real. Your concealer won't stay put if you don't set it with powder, and you double your chances of breaking out if you don't wash your face before going to bed. It's the simple principle of cause and effect.

That's why we've created a guide to good beauty karma, specifically with your skin in mind. Next time you're searching for the cause of dryness, inflammation, or the like, just refer back to this.

Indulging in a Steaming-Hot Shower For Too Long

The problem: it's the middle of Winter and you're chilled to the bone. The fix: treat yourself to a long, hot shower. Think again! If you suffer from dry or inflamed skin — especially when it's cold — we hate to break it to you, but those long, indulgent showers are only making things worse. While they may seem like a no-brainer in the moment, exposing your skin to excessive amounts of hot water can drain moisture from your skin in an instant.

Good Karma Solution: Take a mindful, holistic approach to your shower routine — including aftercare. Turn down the heat, and reduce the amount of time you spend under the water. While your bathroom is still steamy and your pores are open, seal in head-to-toe hydration with an emollient body butter, like the Weleda Skin Food Body Butter. Infused with shea and cocoa seed butters, the soft, whipped formula melts into skin seamlessly.

Choosing the Wrong Lip Product For the Weather

When it comes to choosing a lip color, the heart wants what it wants. Sometimes your outfit commands a matte red lipstick, and sometimes a juicy option seems like the perfect finishing touch — we get it. But have you ever thought about why those seemingly perfect lip products completely melt off or are causing dryness by the end of the day?

Good Karma Solution: To ensure your gloss stays poppin' all day and your matte lip looks smooth and flat vs. flaky and dry, select a lip product the same way you'd get dressed based on the weather. Frigid temps drain moisture from your lips, which is a recipe for disaster when paired with a matte liquid formula. The same goes for juicy or creamy options that can melt right off in the heat. For an extra mindful first step, prep and soften lips with Weleda's insanely nourishing Skin Food Lip Butter. Formulated with sunflower seed oil, chamomile, and calendula extract, it'll leave your lips feeling supple and moisturized under any product, or on its own.

Going Overboard With Your Skincare Routine

If there's anything we've learned from K-beauty, it's that there's nothing wrong with embracing a 12-step skincare routine — and being proud of the time and effort we're devoting to our complexions. Don't get too carried away, though; daily deep exfoliating treatments, trying too many new products, and washing your face more than twice a day aren't necessary. In fact, they might be harming your skin.

Good Karma Solution: Stick to the products that work, and reach for those more intense treatments when you really need them. For foolproof moisture — especially in the Winter when your skin is extra fragile and sensitive — we're partial to Weleda's fan-favorite Skin Food Original Ultra-Rich Cream. An OG product in the wellness-based skincare world and beloved celebrity makeup artist staple, Skin Food's beeswax and plant extract-filled formula has remained the same since it was first introduced in 1926. It can be a daily savior for ultradry skin or used on as as-needed basis for a nourished, naturally-luminous look.

Spending All Day in the Sun — and Forgetting SPF

Sun's out, skin's out — so slather on that SPF . . . and actually remember to reapply it throughout the day. Although a little fresh air is good for the soul, a little too much UV exposure can be seriously bad for your skin. In addition to painful sunburns, unprotected overexposure to sun can dehydrate your skin, causing it to feel itchy, tight, or painful.

Good Karma Solution: You already saw this coming; adding an SPF to your daily face and bodycare routines is an absolute must — even on overcast days. Show your skin even more around-the-clock love by moisturizing it with an all-over hydrator, like Weleda's new Skin Food Light Nourishing Cream. The younger sister of the brand's original hydrator, this is a universal formula that works with any skin type. Packed with ingredients like chamomile, calendula, and pansy, it's lightweight enough for year-round, daily use. Apply it under SPF before going out in the sun as a hydration barrier, and use it to restore moisture and calm skin when you're back indoors.

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