Here's How to Get Mascara Completely Out of Your Clothes

POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

We've all had a moment while applying mascara where our klutziness causes us to drop the wand and results in a big black stain on our clothes. When this happens, imagine the excellent advice of Douglas Adams: "Don't Panic!" written in large friendly letters, and know that POPSUGAR has your back. The following steps will help save your favorite blouse or jeans before you know it, so you can enjoy your makeup routine in peace, once again.

Step 1: Blot

Step 1: Blot

When you first encounter the stain, grab some dish soap like Dawn Soap ($5 for 2) and a white cloth, and get to blotting the stain. Don't rub the cloth into the fabric, or you'll risk spreading it around. Keep blotting with different parts of your cloth until the stain has lifted.

Step 2: Pretreat

Step 2: Pretreat

If blotting doesn't lift everything out, immediately pretreat your clothes with a stain-removing product like OxiClean Max Force Gel Stick ($3). Spread on the gel all over the stain.

Step 3: Wash
POPSUGAR Photography | Sheila Gim

Step 3: Wash

Grab the clothes with the stain on it, and toss it in the washing machine on the highest temperature the fabric can take. Make sure to double check the care instructions on the tab. The heat should lift the remainder of the stain. Don't toss it in the dryer though, where any remaining stain can be locked in.

Finally, Leave It to the Professionals
POPSUGAR Photography / Benjamin Stone

Finally, Leave It to the Professionals

If all else fails, take that baby to the dry cleaners. For an especially bad stain, it's better left to an expert.