Makeup Inspired by Junk-Food Packaging Is Giving Us Life (and Snack Cravings)

If there is one obsession that is stronger than my love of makeup, it's my passion for food. I have been known to spend hours sucked into Yelp, stalking menus and compulsively reading reviews for local restaurants. Just as I find myself lost in the beauty aisles at the drugstore (no matter how many times I've seen it all before), I find myself similarly mesmerized by the snack options at my local supermarket.

It seems like makeup artist Tim O is just like me, but he has used his skills to combine his two manias in an impossibly creative way: beauty looks inspired by junk-food packaging. "Judge a fat b*tch if you want, but this is where I get my inspirations," he declared on Instagram, holding up a bag of Funyuns as he flaunted a chartreuse smoky eye.

Sure, I've been seduced by a bag of Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles before, but not like this! Tim has even become immortalized in memes for his clever snack and makeup matching. Read on to see some of his most delectable creations.

Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles


Wild Berry Pop-Tarts

Flamin' Hot Cheetos