10 Real Women Without Makeup Prove the Importance of Natural Beauty

Those of us with lengthy work commutes know the benefit of applying morning makeup during that travel time. Who knew that we could inspire artwork? Photographer Steve Osemwenkhae was on his way to the office via the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority when he saw an older woman making up her undone face. It was then that Osemwenkhae decided to capture natural beauty on film, and his "No Makeup" series was created.

Originally this project was meant to be a small showcase of five women, including a barefaced portrait of each accompanied by their thoughts about makeup. However, Osemwenkhae was inspired to expand his photography series to feature over 100 women of all ages and ethnicities.

"I want everyone to have their own voice when it comes to the narrative of beauty," he told The Huffington Post. He is currently working on a book dedicated to the "No Makeup" project.

While we loved reading what these women had to say about cosmetics, we were especially struck by how beautiful each of them were without it, and we were even moved to skip foundation after seeing the images.

"Beauty is more than over-the-counter purchases," Osemwenkhae explained. "It is a natural possession that should be embraced." Read on to see some of the beautiful shots, complete with the subjects' feelings about makeup, then visit the project's website to see more.

Shannen Kim

Shannen Kim

"I love makeup because it gives me confidence. I hate makeup because it gives me confidence."

Isadora Laveau

Isadora Laveau

"I would say that I enjoy makeup, but I feel we rely on it too much. We forget to embrace our natural beauty because of societies' standards on how women should look. We don't need all this highlighting and contouring of makeup to be beautiful — just a simple smile. It's taken me a long time to not only get comfortable but also embrace my naked face, but I'm so glad that have. Not only have I saved a ton of money, I have also saved myself an extra 10 to 15 minutes while getting ready!"

Vanessa Ly

Vanessa Ly

"A person's face is like a blank canvas. Makeup is the paint that dictates the mood of the piece. Everything a true artist creates is from the soul. Love, pain, joy transcends through every piece that is created, as does makeup on a person's face."

Sandra Jack Shaw

Sandra Jack Shaw

"I consider makeup a tool; one which I use to present my best self in public. My daughters refer to my made-up look as my 'work face' as I tend to only wear it when I'm going to be in front of a camera. I definitely feel more confident when I'm made-up, but society has taught women to feel that way. That fact truly bothers me. Most times I'm comfortable in my own skin."

Kayla McGarrell

Kayla McGarrell

"My mom never wore makeup, and she always told me I didn't need it and wouldn't let me wear it. So I never got in the habit of putting on makeup. I don't hate it or love it — I just really value my mom's opinion."

Lindsey Gonzalez

Lindsey Gonzalez

"I've never really liked it especially because my skin is sensitive so I break out easily. But my whole life I've always been told to not use it because I didn't really need it. I feel everybody is beautiful with or without makeup, but to use makeup as a confidence booster would be the wrong way because then you'll be very dependent on it."

Halah Ahmad

Halah Ahmad

"I wear makeup to the degree that it pleases me; I always think about who I am doing it for and what it does for me."

Elissa Garza

Elissa Garza

"When I was growing up, makeup was a way to change who I was and emulate those I admired; nowadays it's more about being comfortable and owning my own skin. On a daily basis I rarely wear more than eyeliner, mascara, and blush, sometimes lipstick if I'm feeling bold. It shouldn't be about changing or hiding things, but about enhancing the features you love and what makes you unique."

Catalina Ibarguen

Catalina Ibarguen

"I love makeup because you can enhance or hide any feature you want; it's like magic."

Lydia Lee

Lydia Lee

"I think that makeup should be an option for people who want to wear it, but not a requirement. As a woman, and a college student living with four other females, I feel pressure to wear it from the people around me, and often get comments pointing out that I do not regularly wear makeup. I think everyone should feel beautiful in their own skin and not self-conscious of imperfections that we all have. Instead I think we should embrace the beauty that we were given and use makeup more as a highlight of that beauty than a mask to create society's idea of beauty."