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When to Start Wedding-Day Beauty Prep

From Teeth Whitening to Hair Coloring, Here's When to Start Your Wedding-Day Beauty Prep

Once the big details have been set, the days and weeks leading up to your wedding are all about ensuring you look and feel your best on the big day. Teaming up with Crest White Smile, we're breaking down exactly when to start your bridal beauty regimen.

Prepping for your wedding day is no joke. Between hiring vendors, finalizing the guest list, and signing off on every little detail, it's no wonder brides' stress levels can reach out-of-control heights. If you're newly engaged, you know exactly what we're talking about!

With so many balls in the air, we know it's easy to let your beauty and wellness routines slip through the cracks, but truth be told, now is the time when you should be focusing on feeling and looking like the queen you are — even if your wedding day is months away. The good news? Our chronological bridal self-care checklist is way more fun than deciding on where to seat your feuding relatives.

Below, find out when you should start prepping so that when it comes time to walk down the aisle, you feel confident knowing you have the best hair, nails, and skin of your life!

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Wedding photos last forever, so if there's ever a time to indulge in the name of beauty, it's now. After all, the last thing you want to wake up to on your wedding day is a pimple. To avoid breakouts and other skin issues, you need to first start managing your stress. Easier said than done, but a little yoga and meditation can go a long way. Start relaxation practices one year out along with booking an appointment with your dermatologist. Your derm can help you devise a skincare plan that works for you, keeping your dream-skin goals in mind.

Nine months out is when you should consider visiting an esthetician for regular facials. They'll be able to address any concerns you may have while whipping your skin into tip-top shape and keeping it there. Be careful not to try anything new closer to your wedding date, as you never know how your skin could react.

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As soon as you know how you'll be wearing your hair on the big day, start planning your color. Whether you want highlights, single-process color, or double-process color, it's important to pick a colorist you trust and be clear about what you want. Bring in photos for reference — including snaps of your wedding-day 'do — and plan on getting a touch-up seven to 10 days before your wedding day. You'll definitely want to make sure you have enough time for damage control in case it doesn't turn out how you envisioned!

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For soft skin and a healthy all-over glow on your wedding day, start dry brushing six months out from the big day. A dry brush will cost you around 20 bucks, and considering the wellness practice exfoliates, increases blood circulation, and helps rid the body of waste by firing up the flow of lymph, it may just be the best beauty investment you ever make. If you're new to dry brushing, start with one or two sessions a week and up your usage depending on how your skin reacts. Don't forget to lotion up afterward!

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Wine is notoriously dehydrating, has a tendency to dull skin, and has even been known to bust capillaries. So while it may sound like a total bummer, embarking on a wine detox in the months leading up to your wedding can actually do wonders for your skin. Try exchanging your regular class of vino for a veggie-filled juice or smoothie.

Leafy greens in particular are known to be great for the skin, as they oxygenate and are chock-full of minerals that help stimulate the lymphatic system and reduce puffiness. In fact, drinking a kale smoothie is actually more effective than eating raw kale because it's chopped up so finely that your body can process all the nutrients better. While you may want to go on a strict juice cleanse in the days leading up to your wedding, just one glass a day three months out is great if you want to reap skin-boosting benefits.

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When deciding on a hairstyle and beauty look, we recommend staying true to yourself and aiming for a more polished, elevated version of your everyday. The goal is to look timeless rather than trendy, so opt for a look that feels like your very best self. For example, if you don't like wearing your hair up, don't let anyone talk you into it!

If you decide to give extensions a try, book your consultation two months out and have them put in just one week before you say "I do." Two months out is also the perfect time to solidify how you'll wear your makeup. Whether you're getting it done professionally or not, you'll want time for trial runs to ensure the look feels right. If you're going the lash-extensions route, have them put in three weeks before your wedding, and get them touched up three days before.

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To ensure your pearly whites shine their brightest on your special day, start whitening your teeth at least three weeks out. We recommend Crest at-home whitening kits due to their ease, affordability, and lasting professional results. With options including the Original Whitening Kit, the Express Whitening Kit, the Gentle Whitening Kit, and more, you're guaranteed to find a kit that works for you. Crest whitening kits include a range of treatment plans from one to three weeks, with the whitening strips applied once daily for one hour or less. Regardless of the kit you choose, whiten your smile up to three shades and enjoy results lasting six months or longer — no messy gels or trays required!

If you’ve never tried one of Crest’s whitening kits before, now’s the time. Valid through July 31, 2019, new customers can enjoy $20 off whitening kits with the blue light using code POPSUGAR20. Plus, every order ships free! In addition to whitening, you'll want to schedule a cleaning right before the big day and make sure to avoid any potential staining by drinking coffee and red wine through a straw during the six months leading up to your wedding.

Original Whitening Kit
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Express Whitening Kit
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Gentle Whitening Kit
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Professional White Whitestrips
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To maintain healthy, clean nails, it's best to invest in regular manicures. We recommend heading to the salon every two weeks starting three months out from the big day. But if you simply don't have the time for consistent maintenance or you need to save your cash, there's only one mani/pedi that really counts — the one you'll have on your wedding day! Opt for a shellac or gel treatment to ensure it lasts from your rehearsal dinner through your honeymoon. While it's always the bride's choice, we love a soft, neutral nail color that doesn't distract from her dress or natural beauty.

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A fresh, natural-looking spray tan is the perfect complement to any wedding dress. It's also the best way to even out complexions and give your skin tone a flawless look. A spray tan can even be used to contour curves or define muscles. We recommend a trial run before your dress fitting to make sure the shade is exactly how you want it. To ensure an even application, start exfoliating your skin a week before your appointment, and get sprayed again two days before your wedding.

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