Here's How Sulfur Can Help Minimize Your Acne-Prone Skin

POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio
POPSUGAR Photography | Maria del Rio
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We've all had our ups and downs with skin conditions and skincare routines, and just when I thought I had mine down to a fine art, I had a hormonal breakout I couldn't get rid of. My usual products just weren't cutting it. Then I found my savior ingredient: sulfur.

When Kate Somerville's Eradikate Cleanser ($38) landed on my desk, I saw the words acne-prone, saw sulfur listed in the ingredients, and figured it would be worth a shot. The cleanser transformed my skin, along with the mask, in a matter of days, and as an added bonus, the product isn't smelly!

I had to know more about this ingredient and how it works for acne-prone skin or those experiencing a breakout. So I spoke to Elizabeth Rimmer, founder and director of London Professional Aesthetics, to get all the details we need to know.

Why is sulfur good for the skin?

"Sulfur is a beneficial ingredient in skin care as it's aimed at treating breakout-prone or acne skin types. It works by reducing sebum production in the skin and also promotes the skin's ability to renew itself, therefore helping to declog pores," Elizabeth said. It will help to draw out impurities for a clearer complexion.

What skin problems does sulfur treat?

"Sulfur-based products are ideal for acne-prone skin, those suffering with breakouts, oily skin, or larger pores." Although I wouldn't put myself in either the acne-prone or oily skin type categories, I do know what time during the month I'm prone to more blemishes and when to add sulfur into my routine. I found this really helped combat any breakouts before they had fully formed.

Is it safe for all skin types to use?

"Sulfur-based skincare products may result in excessive dryness in some skin types. If oiliness and spots are not a problem for you, then sulfur-based products may not meet your needs." Elizabeth says they are also not recommended for use during pregnancy.

What types of products does it work best in?

"Sulfur works especially well in mask-type treatments that are left on for a period of time and then rinsed off. They do typically have a less than pleasant aroma, so these type of products mean that you can rinse the treatment away and not have a residual smell of sulfur." Elizabeth recommends the ZO Offects Sulfur Masque ($45), and I'm currently seeing great results with the Kate Somerville Eradikate Mask ($54).

Finally, Elizabeth says that those suffering with acne will benefit from a number of products and therefore should not expect too much from a single product. But adding sulfur into your skincare routine will definitely have benefits.