People Are Confusing Toilet Cleaners For Bath Bombs, Because It Was Inevitable

POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

A bath bomb is a wonderfully relaxing explosion of fizz, essential oils, and flower petals that can instantly transform any bathtub into an intimate spa. Its only downfall? Its resemblance to drop-in toilet bowl cleaners.

The bath bomb — especially those from Lush — saw a meteoric rise in popularity this past year, however, many have made the mistake of reaching for a bomb and instead grabbing a chalky blue disk strictly meant for toilets. The victims of this hilarious and unfortunate mistake have since taken to Twitter to share their experiences. For some, the cleaner temporarily turned their skin blue! The reverse has also happened where some people have mistakenly tossed their bath bombs into the toilet. Perhaps people should just start keeping them in separate cabinets?

Look ahead for the most cringe-worthy reactions — and if you're interested in turning your bathroom into a little oasis, check out some of our favorite bath bombs.