Meghan Markle’s Best Hairstyles During Her Southern Africa Tour

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have officially embarked on their royal tour of Southern Africa with 4-month-old son, Archie. Since arriving, the couple has been delighted to meet with local organizations and charities to bring awareness to the causes closest to them, and have had more than a few sweet moments with local children.

For this tour, Meghan has kept things stylish but casual, perhaps in an effort to be more comfortable, or perhaps to keep the attention on the causes and organizations she and Harry are highlighting on this trip. On her first day out, the duchess recycled a sky-blue wrap dress she previously wore in Tonga in 2018, and for a visit to Monwabisi Beach with the charity Waves For Change, she threw on a Madewell denim jacket over a white t-shirt.

The same seems to be true for her hairstyles. So far she's kept her hair easy and understated. Since arriving in South Africa, she's already rotated through a few of her regular styles, including a low ponytail and messy bun (looks she often breaks out when visiting schools and interacting with children), as well as soft waves (which she typically wears when meeting with dignitaries and charity organizers).

Even when understated, however, we still love looking through the duchess's hairstyles for inspiration on how to style our own hair for work and events, especially when we don't want our hairstyle to distract us from an important meeting or a special family outing. Keep reading to see which hairstyles Meghan has worn so far, and take inspiration from this royal pro.

Meghan Markle's Soft Waves in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Soft Waves in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Sleek Ponytail in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Sleek Ponytail in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Messy Bun in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Messy Bun in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Flower Hair Accessory in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Flower Hair Accessory in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Braided Bun in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Braided Bun in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Long Waves Tucked Behind the Ear, in South Africa

Meghan Markle's Long Waves Tucked Behind the Ear, in South Africa