Carrie Fisher Took a Beautiful Photo With Billie Lourd a Few Months Before Her Death

Carrie Fisher tragically passed away in December at the age of 60, and her daughter, Billie Lourd, has been beautifully carrying on her legacy ever since. The actress, who was best known for her iconic role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars franchise, graces the cover of Vanity Fair's recent issue in honor of the film's 40th anniversary. The photo shoot took place during filming of The Last Jedi, and Carrie passed away a few months after it wrapped. Along with the cover and new information about the highly anticipated movie, the magazine released more portraits from the shoot, including one of Carrie and Billie, who made her acting debut as Lieutenant Connix in The Force Awakens. The incredibly beautiful and moving photo shows Carrie softly embracing her daughter, which now doubles as a symbol of Carrie always watching over her.