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The Very Emotional Roller Coaster of Spring's Arrival

Ugh, Spring can be such a tease. After the very challenging, snowy Winter that so many of us endured, that glimmer of sunny, Spring-y hope can inspire some truly life-changing joy — until, um, it's snowing again. Sound familiar? For anyone who's dealt with the sometimes crushing, sometimes thrilling ups and downs of the season's arrival, here's a GIF-worthy account of what it's like to welcome Spring.

Source: Paramount Pictures

For a while you're like, "Who needs Spring? Winter's my favorite!"

Image Source: 20th Century Studios

But then it just snows.

Image Source: Warner Bros.

And snows and snows.

Image Source: Columbia Pictures

It's cold, and you're moody, and you start to see the world differently.

Image Source: Disney

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Suddenly nothing is going your way.

Image Source: NBC

There's no consoling you.

Image Source: Focus Features

You decide you hate all your friends from California, or maybe you just hate everyone.

Image Source: Fox

And nobody seems to understand.

Image Source: Columbia Pictures

Mother Nature is your biggest enemy.

Source: MTV

Until — wait . . . wait, is that the sun?

Image Source: Disney

It's warm! It's really, really warm!

Image Source: NBC

Or maybe the temperature's just above freezing, but either way, you're dreaming big.

Image Source: Disney

You're dancing in the streets! You're basically made of sunshine!

Image Source: Searchlight Pictures

But then — no. Nonononono.

Image Source: Paramount Pictures

Is that . . . more snow? This can't be happening.

Image Source: HBO

It's SPRING, and it's SNOWING.

Image Source: Warner Bros.

You're up in arms, distraught, begging the heat not to leave.

Image Source: Paramount Pictures

You can't eat, you can't sleep.

Image Source: Fox

(Ha, just kidding. You can always eat.)

Image Source: Paramount Pictures

But, ugh, it's miserable. You decide to hibernate.

Image Source: NBC

Eventually, the snow turns to rain, but when it starts to feel warmer, you're afraid to get too excited.

Image Source: New Line Cinema

But then, hooray! At long last, the warm weather stays.

Image Source: Fox

All is right in the world again.

Image Source: Paramount Pictures

Nothing can stop you now!

Image Source: CBS

There's a breeze in your hair, and nature's your new BFF.

Image Source: Disney

You laugh about Winter, cracking jokes about the cold.

Image Source: Paramount Pictures

All that matters is that Spring is here! Spring is here!

Time. To. Celebrate.

Image Source: NBC

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