Jennifer Lopez's 11-Year-Old Daughter Belts Out Alicia Keys, and My Goosebumps Have Goosebumps

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Jennifer Lopez's talent runs in the family. The 49-year-old pop star recently shared a behind-the-scenes look at an otherwise hectic weekend on her YouTube channel, which included a little vocal rehearsal with her 11-year-old daughter, Emme. In between shooting her movie Hustlers and performing her song "Medicine" live for the first time, Jennifer spent time with Emme by the piano and listened to her sing Alicia Keys.

"You do it in the original key, right?" Jennifer asked as she encouraged Emme to perform. Emme started off tentatively but quickly gained confidence while locking eyes with her mom. After a stellar cover, she embraced Jennifer as the room applauded. "We should have her come out and do something on tour!" Jennifer said. Maybe Emme's twin brother, Max, will join as a backup dancer — we already know he's got the moves!

With parents like Jennifer and her ex-husband Marc Anthony, it's no surprise these kids have star power. Watch the full video above to see every second of the sweetness, and experience what it's like to live a weekend like Jennifer. There's no such thing as a day off.