Please Enjoy Jimmy Kimmel Reading Anna Faris's (Very "Boy Crazy") Childhood Diary Aloud

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Before Anna Faris made it big on the silver screen, she was just like most other young girls, myself included — a.k.a. super boy crazy. When the Overboard actress sat down with Jimmy Kimmel for a late-night interview, she brought along her childhood diary for the host to read aloud, and the tiny pastel notebook revealed Anna's penchant for passionately writing about her various crushes.

The first page Jimmy flipped to featured the words "I love Ryan" written in purple marker, with "boy, do I" scribbled underneath. Hah! Apparently young Anna had a thing for dudes named Ryan because her diary mentioned several other boys with the same name, one of which apparently used to "always put his arm around [Anna] and call [her] honey." The Jimmy Kimmel Live host then landed on a page that divulged how Anna used to flirt with her paper boy, but only "on weekends." But perhaps the most entertaining section of Anna's diary was the page that listed her rules for "how to be cute." which included directions like "wear cute hats" and "wear no hairspray."

Anna, please publish this — I'll be the first in line to buy my own copy!