12 Times Hilary Duff’s Instagram Made You Want Her as Your BFF

If you're one of the 4.3 million smartest people on planet Earth, you follow Hilary Duff on Instagram. Not only does the star share snaps of her adorable son, Luca, but she gives sneak peeks of all her latest projects! It takes a very special person to steal the hearts of thousands not only years ago as a silly teenager, but as one fierce mom, performer, and businesswoman. Hilary is a force to be reckoned with and, let's be honest, we all can't wait to see what she will do (or post) next! Without further ado, let's take a look at all the best pictures from Lizzie McGuire's Hilary Duff's Instagram feed that make us want her as our best friend forever.

When She Became the Mermaid of Our Dreams
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Became the Mermaid of Our Dreams

You can finally say, "My best friend is a mermaid, and she is magical."

When She Confirmed That She Is in Fact the Cool Mom
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Confirmed That She Is in Fact the Cool Mom

The kind of mom who buys her adorable son this awesome shirt and watches that little future heartbreaker rock it. The blond 3-year-old is basically a mini Hilary, which means that he is equally, if not more, amazing.

When She Proved to Be the Definition of a MILF
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Proved to Be the Definition of a MILF

Whoever said that there is no such thing as perfection clearly hasn’t seen this picture. Hilary is absolutely killing it in this red dress with a plunging neckline and contagious smile!

When She Ate Ice Cream in Bed Like a Boss
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Ate Ice Cream in Bed Like a Boss

Sometimes life is hard and the only people you can count on are Ben and Jerry.

When She Supported Her Big Sis, Haylie
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Supported Her Big Sis, Haylie

You know that if Hilary was your best friend, she would totally support all of your successes! Just look at this one post out of several that she dedicated to her sister’s cooking segment.

When She Wasn’t Afraid to Act Silly
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Wasn’t Afraid to Act Silly

One of the many reasons that Hilary is a queen is because she’s not afraid to be herself. But who can resist a mustache picture? No one! Especially when adorable Luca makes an appearance.

When She Had the Guts to Post a Real No-Makeup Selfie
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Had the Guts to Post a Real No-Makeup Selfie

She definitely seems like the kind of friend who’s always down to lie around and binge-watch Netflix for hours at a time — when she’s not busy being an awesome mom and superstar, of course.


When She Gave Us a Sneak Peek of Her “Sparks” Video

Hilary’s latest single is so catchy that if we were BFFs, dancing around to it while singing into hairbrushes together would be a mandatory sleepover activity. Not only is the “Sparks” music video bright and colorful, but it includes a real-life Tinder date. Even if the date didn’t work out, we still swipe right on the song!

When She Validated That She Is in Fact a Big Kid at Heart
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Validated That She Is in Fact a Big Kid at Heart

Growing up doesn’t mean losing your sense of fun, which is an amazing characteristic in someone.

When She Showered Us With Body Positivity
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Showered Us With Body Positivity

Hilary wasn’t afraid to flaunt her bikini bod and give some encouraging words to moms everywhere! It’s not easy being in the public eye, where so many people can easily criticize your every move, but this picture shows what a strong woman she is.

When She Shared a Throwback That Melted Our Hearts
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Shared a Throwback That Melted Our Hearts

A sentimental throwback is such a sweet touch to Hilary’s Instagram. And we bet that her sister is just as awesome as she is.

When She Showered Her Fans With Appreciation
Instagram | hilaryduff

When She Showered Her Fans With Appreciation

Check out this surprise message from some fans at Starbucks and how she’s loving them right back. Everyone should have a genuinely sweet friend like that (who also has a killer manicure!)