Proof That Tom Holland Just Really, Really Loves All His Costars


Onward star Tom Holland seems like the kind of guy who would be easy to work with — judging by how close he is with his costars over the years. He's shared countless Instagram pictures and interview moments with everyone from Chris Pratt to Jacob Batalon, and all they can ever do is sing his praises. We took a closer look at the people Tom most often surrounds himself with, and spoiler alert, it's mostly costars. However, the friends he seems to be closest with of all are actually his three brothers, which is just so freakin' cute. Keep reading to see them all!

Jake Gyllenhaal

Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal starred in Spider-Man: Far From Home together, and though they may have played enemies in the film, they've got nothing but love for each other in real life. The two frequently gushed over the other in interviews, on Instagram, and to anyone who would listen. And for Jake's birthday, Tom casually dropped this cute picture on Insta with the hashtag #husbandgoals, so yeah, these two are tight.


As much as we have low-key wished Tom Holland and Zendaya would date, the two are just close friends. They've starred in the Spider-Man movies together and battled it out on Lip Sync Battle, giving us some of the most memorable performances literally ever.

Harrison Osterfield

Harrison Osterfield is a friend of Tom Holland's from way back, according to CinemaBlend. The two met back in school but also worked together on Spider-Man: Homecoming and Avengers: Infinity War. They've remained close over the years, each sharing numerous pictures together on social media.

Robert Downey Jr.

Tom Holland and Robert Downey Jr. have spent a ton of time together while filming and promoting all their Marvel movies as Spider-Man and Iron Man, respectively. It's only natural that the two became friends, but Tom told Seth Myers in 2019 that they got off to a rocky start when Tom accidentally ghosted Robert's phone calls and Robert subsequently ignored all his. Of course it all came down to just plain missing the calls, thankfully, and the two have been chummy ever since.

Chris Hemsworth

Yes, you guessed it, Tom Holland has even more superhero friends than you realized. Chris Hemsworth starred in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame with Tom, which means the two bonded enough to give us fun photos like this one. One of the highlights of this pairing was an Unsuited interview they did with each other where Chris inevitably called Tom "Tom Hiddleston."

Chris Pratt

Tom Holland and Chris Pratt have grown close over their years of working together, on Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, and most recently in Onward. They shower each other with praise and always have time to laugh together. They play brothers in Onward, and Chris has said more than once that he really sees Tom as a brother.

Jacob Batalon

It's no wonder Tom Holland and Jacob Batalon became good friends while filming the Spider-Man movies — Jacob is just as hilarious as Tom. Tom's called Jacob part of his "holy trinity" with Harrison, so it's safe to say this is a solid friendship. He also has shared plenty of photos of Jacob on social, often praising him. The most recent one? Tom called Jacob his "everything."

Sam, Harry, and Paddy Holland

It's hard to compete with family, though, and the Holland family in particular seems to be a very tight-knit one. Tom's younger brothers Sam and Harry, who are twins, and Paddy are always around to support him, and the four spend as much time together as they can — if Instagram is anything to go by. They all share photos and videos of each other traveling, hanging out, and pranking each other, as brothers do.

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