Prince William Meets Michael Phelps, Promptly Makes a Dad Joke About Being Dads

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Prince William presented Michael Phelps with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the BBC Sports Personality of the Year event in Birmingham, England, on Sunday, and took time to joke with the Olympic gold medalist about fatherhood after the ceremony. Michael introduced the prince to his new wife, Nicole Johnson, and revealed that their London trip marked the first they've taken without their 7-month-old son, Boomer. After Nicole and Michael told William how old their little one was, he quipped, "Oh, I see why the retirement is looming," adding, "You'll never leave the house again!"

On Monday, William met up with his brother Harry and wife Kate Middleton to attend a Christmas party for volunteers at The Mix youth service, a charity that is part of their Heads Together initiative. While there, William chatted with a DJ and mentioned that his kids, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, are really looking forward to the holidays, saying, "The kids are really looking forward to Christmas, and George is already ripping open his presents."