Kate and Will Might Have a Calling as Bingo Hosts After Game Night With Care Home Residents

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William and Kate can add another skill to the list of things they're great at: bingo calling. On Wednesday, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge surprised residents and their care workers at Shire Hall Care Home in Cardiff, England, by virtually hosting a game of bingo.

Before the game began, Will and Kate spoke with three of the care workers to see how they were coping at work. "How have you and the team managed to look after yourselves and your own mental health, because obviously you're doing a lot more hours and you're a lot more involved," Will asked. "The morale in the home is lovely," the workers replied, although they did mention that the PPE they're required to wear is very hot.

The royal couple got enthusiastically involved in a game of bingo, calling out numbers like pros. Will then asked one of the residents (and the winner of the game), Joan Drew-Smith, "How did we do at bingo? We did OK?" to which she replied, "Very good. Wasn't as good as it should have been." This lead to giggles from the duke and duchess and the other residents and staff.

Watch the full video above to see the sweet game with plenty of giggles all around.