The '90s Summer TV Lineup You Were Watching When You Should Have Been Playing Outside

I honestly don't even know what kind of subpar shows are on Nickelodeon these days, but nothing can convince me there was a better era for the network than the '90s. Back in the day, when school let out and the weather started heating up, you could be found parked right in front of the TV. While the neighborhood kids played outside, you preferred to grab some cereal and chill with your greatest friend, Stick Stickly. He always understood you, and he always knew exactly what you wanted to watch. Here are the shows we all loved and kind of wish we could have back today.

— Additional reporting by Haley Lyndes

Land of the Lost, 1991
Everett Collection

Land of the Lost, 1991

Not to be vulgar, but holy sh*t am I the only person who remembers this show?!

CatDog, 1998-2005
Everett Collection

CatDog, 1998-2005

It's almost impossible to look at this picture and not sing "cat-dog" in your head.

Nickelodeon's Guts, 1992-1996
Everett Collection

Nickelodeon's Guts, 1992-1996

Obviously the ultimate game show. It's basically MTV's The Challenge without the binge-drinking and physical fights.

The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo, 1996-1999
Everett Collection

The Mystery Files of Shelby Woo, 1996-1999

Veronica Mars is great and all, but we all know who paved the way for young female detectives everywhere.

Kenan & Kel, 1996-2000
Everett Collection

Kenan & Kel, 1996-2000

The classic duo who brought you Good Burger.

KaBlam!, 1996-2000
Everett Collection

KaBlam!, 1996-2000

How KaBlam! isn't on TV anymore is beyond me. Can any modern animated sketch show even live up to this high bar?

Wild & Crazy Kids, 1990-1992
Nickelodeon via Giphy

Wild & Crazy Kids, 1990-1992

You always wanted to be on this show, but you're still convinced your parents never mailed your application.

The Angry Beavers, 1997-2001
Everett Collection

The Angry Beavers, 1997-2001

Serious question: were you more of a Daggett or a Norbert?

Double Dare, 1986-1993
Everett Collection

Double Dare, 1986-1993

Marc Summers is an American treasure who deserves his own museum.

Rocket Power, 1999-2004
Everett Collection

Rocket Power, 1999-2004

This show was kind of weird, but you still tuned in because the alternative, was like, cleaning your room.

Doug, 1991-1994
Everett Collection

Doug, 1991-1994

This show practically taught your social skills . . . and how to do sit-ups.

The Amanda Show, 1999-2002
Everett Collection

The Amanda Show, 1999-2002

This was Amanda Bynes at the peak of her skills, not to mention the show that launched spinoff Drake & Josh.

All That, 1994-2005
Everett Collection

All That, 1994-2005

Before you knew Saturday Night Live was a thing, this was your jam.

The Wild Thornberrys, 1998-2004
Everett Collection

The Wild Thornberrys, 1998-2004

OK, this show was kind of annoying, but you still watched it.

Legends of the Hidden Temple, 1993-1995
Nickelodeon via Giphy

Legends of the Hidden Temple, 1993-1995

There's going to be a reboot of this game show, complete with host Kirk Fogg!

Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, 1994-1997
Everett Collection

Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, 1994-1997

Aaahh!!! Real Monsters is the only reason you stopped being afraid of the monsters under your bed and instead tried to lure them out of hiding to hang out with them.

The Adventures of Pete and Pete, 1992-1996
Everett Collection

The Adventures of Pete and Pete, 1992-1996

If this show was on today, it would be bonkers. Why did a child have a giant tattoo? What was up with Artie, the Strongest Man in the World? Why did Mom's Plate get its our credit in the opening sequence?

The Secret World of Alex Mack, 1994-1998
Everett Collection

The Secret World of Alex Mack, 1994-1998

Because she was older than you when you watched the show, the character of Alex Mack was, and still is, the coolest teenager ever.

Salute Your Shorts, 1991-1993
Everett Collection

Salute Your Shorts, 1991-1993

Best camp show ever, amiright?

Are You Afraid of the Dark?, 1990-1996
Nickelodeon via Giphy

Are You Afraid of the Dark?, 1990-1996

How was this show even allowed to be on Nickelodeon? It was at least 10 times scarier than Goosebumps.

The Ren & Stimpy Show, 1991-1996
Everett Collection

The Ren & Stimpy Show, 1991-1996

You only got to watch this risqué show when your mom was running errands.

Rocko's Modern Life, 1993-1996
Everett Collection

Rocko's Modern Life, 1993-1996

I still don't know if this show was meant for kids or very high adults, but it was the best.

Nick Arcade, 1992-1993
Everett Collection

Nick Arcade, 1992-1993

It wasn't on for long, but it sure was fun watching teams play our favorite arcade games.

Pinky and the Brain, 1995-1998
Everett Collection

Pinky and the Brain, 1995-1998

Pinky: "Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?"
Brain: "The same thing we do every night, Pinky — try to take over the world!"

Figure It Out, 1997-2013
Everett Collection

Figure It Out, 1997-2013

Yes, even Nickelodeon's green slime was on this guessing gameshow.

Allegra's Window, 1994-1996
Everett Collection

Allegra's Window, 1994-1996

We loved learning life lessons from this puppet squad.

Animorphs, 1998-1999
Everett Collection

Animorphs, 1998-1999

If you read the series, chances are you loved this show.

Blue's Clues, 1996-2006
Everett Collection

Blue's Clues, 1996-2006

Our days weren't complete without helping Steve and Blue solve their three clues.

The Busy World of Richard Scarry, 1994-1997
Everett Collection

The Busy World of Richard Scarry, 1994-1997

Based on the popular children's book series by Richard Scarry, this show lasted for five seasons.

Little Bear, 1995-2003
Everett Collection

Little Bear, 1995-2003

We totally wish we were Emily in this fun squad.