15 Ways Rayna Reigns Supreme as Nashville's Country Queen

When Nashville premiered back in 2012, the primary conflict was the Rayna Jaymes/Juliette Barnes showdown, with glittery, young pop-tart Juliette threatening to usurp legendary singer Rayna as country music's queen bee. Over the years, however, everyone — including Juliette — learned that nobody's more charming, talented, or wise than Rayna. And obviously nobody has better hair. Here are 15 ways in which Rayna proved she will always be Nashville's country queen.

She knows how to charm an audience.

She knows how to charm an audience.

Is there anything better than seeing Rayna Jaymes stroll on stage with that warm smile and a "How're y'all doin'?" This woman has been charming audiences for decades, and no matter which bright young artist comes onto the Nashville scene, Rayna will always have plenty of diehard fans. She's earned them.

She is direct and speaks from the heart.

She is direct and speaks from the heart.

As is the case with most characters played by Connie Britton, Rayna is a great example of how to be both assertive and gracious. She drops truth bombs whenever they're needed, and never in a malicious way.

She's a badass entrepreneur and boss.

She's a badass entrepreneur and boss.

Over time, Rayna discovers that she has a great mind for business — especially the business of country music.

She strives to give her children better childhoods than she had.

She strives to give her children better childhoods than she had.

After her own turbulent youth, Rayna wants her daughters to enjoy their innocence for as long as possible.

She lifts up fellow female artists, rather than trying to tear them down.

She lifts up fellow female artists, rather than trying to tear them down.

Yes, even Juliette, with whom she's traveled a long and bumpy road.

She takes control of her own destiny.

She takes control of her own destiny.

Fed up with the politics and frustrations at Edgehill, Rayna strikes out on her own and starts her own damn label: Highway 65.

She gives second chances to those she loves.

She gives second chances to those she loves.

Namely Deacon, who has battled anger issues and alcoholism. Through it all, Rayna can't help loving him with all her heart.

She's a loving and protective mama bear to Maddie and Daphne.

She's a loving and protective mama bear to Maddie and Daphne.

Rayna may be a living legend in the country music world, but at home, she thrives as Maddie and Daphne's mama.

She's got that down-home Southern warmth.

She's got that down-home Southern warmth.

Despite all of her success and fame, Rayna somehow maintains an approachable warmth and sweetness, easily charming everyone she meets. She's a worldwide star but still a simple Nashville girl at heart.

She knows her own value.

She knows her own value.

Remember in the first episode when her label wants her to open for Juliette Barnes? Uh, yeah . . . all the nopes to that. Rayna refuses and ultimately becomes her own boss, seeking out the best new talent in Nashville for her own music label.

And she knows how to spot and nurture talented up-and-coming artists.

And she knows how to spot and nurture talented up-and-coming artists.

By nurturing younger artists such as Scarlett and Layla, Rayna ensures that her legacy continues beyond her own singing days. Having learned from her own beginnings when she was controlled by managers and labels, she knows how to encourage artists during the tender stage in their careers while still honoring the artists' unique sounds.

She knows how to roll with the punches and keep moving forward.

She knows how to roll with the punches and keep moving forward.

Being a mom, a boss, and a very public figure can be stressful, but Rayna knows that all the difficult times are temporary.

Seriously . . . that hair, though!

Seriously . . . that hair, though!

Connie Britton's hair is the stuff of dreams, and Nashville is a perfect setting to showcase those loose honey-brown curls. Whether she's stalking around on stage or lounging at home with the girls, that hair is as much a part of the character of Rayna James as her Southern charm and entrepreneurial prowess.


Like this.

But she still puts her family first, above all else.

But she still puts her family first, above all else.

She may be the queen of country, but her sweet princess daughters will always come first. At every turn, Rayna considers the impact her decisions will have on Maddie and Daphne — whether it's deciding on the man she'll marry or how many tour dates she'll take on. With her family, she'll always have "a life that's good."