Ghost Finally Showed Up Again on Game of Thrones, and, Naturally, People Lost Their Sh*t

Sunday night's episode of Game of Thrones saw the reappearance of a beloved character — but if you happened to blink at all during the hour, you may have missed it. In the midst of the main characters setting the stage for the epic battle between the North and the White Walkers, Jon Snow's direwolf, Ghost, made a short cameo — his first appearance on the show since season six. Naturally, those five seconds were just enough to make fans lose their minds.

Ghost shows up very briefly while Jon and Sam are discussing how Jon should go about telling Daenerys of his true identity. The red-eyed wolf appears in the scene only for a moment, but that didn't stop the people of the internet who have been inquiring about Ghost's whereabouts for the last two years from pointing out that this is a pretty huge deal. Though the reactions to Ghost's return have been a mixture of pleasure and outrage, all of them are pretty entertaining. Read ahead to see some of the funniest reactions to Ghost's cameo.