Sarah Michelle Gellar Just Wrote Directly to Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fans, and It's Emotional

If you're still mourning Buffy the Vampire Slayer nearly 13 years after the final episode aired, Sarah Michelle Gellar feels your pain. The actress, who recently signed on for the Cruel Intentions reboot, penned a short tribute to the TV series that launched her career. She shared a vintage photo on Instagram, captioning, "19 years ago tonight, I got to introduce you to #buffyannesummers (and #mrpointy too) thank you for taking the incredible journey with me and continuing still. I am and forever will be #grateful." Well if that doesn't make you reach for the Kleenex, nothing will. Luckily, we can cheer you up with some of the show's best quotes, plus reasons Buffy is still your role model.