American Horror Story Might Be Hiding Another Big Twist in Plain Sight

This week on American Horror Story, our experiences with Kai Anderson and his demented clown cult became that much more traumatic. In just a short hour, we suffered through a Saw-like horror house run by none other than Rick Springfield, and we witnessed a very unsuccessful and incestuous threesome. But nothing compared to the last devastating twist: Ally has joined the cult. With the reveal, it truly seems like all the cards are now on the table. If you take a closer look, however, you may rethink your presumptions.

During that final scene, Kai murders his brother Rudy — guess that means he's not the cult leader after all — and puts Beverly in an isolation chamber. At this point, we also learn that the main members of his clown cult have been replaced. After all, half of the founding members are dead. Now, we know Ally is the hand-head clown that was once played by Beverly. Kai, Winter, Gary, and Ivy have obviously kept their respective identities, and the harlequin clown, the brainy clown, and the toothy green-haired clown have all been replaced by new, brainwashed underlings from Kai's man army. That leaves one clown: the ball-gag clown, which was originally inhabited by Meadow.

Here's the thing, though: in those final moments, when everyone else takes off their masks, we don't see who the new ball-gag clown is. The omission was pointed out by Reddit user Supreme000, who also noted that the clown's outfit had changed. Meadow wore a sort of black and white checkered dress with a leather harness. This version is covered up with a dark, baggy sweater. Who could it be? Well, the only character who isn't accounted for is Bebe (Frances Conroy), so there's a chance it could be her. And that would explain why she doesn't unmask: she doesn't want the other women to know she's colluding with Kai. There's also a chance it could be a new character, someone we haven't met yet, who will play a huge role in the final few episodes.

The most likely scenario is that it's just another nameless lackey from Kai's little army. The fact that we didn't see the ball-gag mask come off just means it's a very insignificant character, not even significant enough to show on camera. But still . . . there's something very strange about it. Could AHS have another huge twist up its sleeve?