These Mary Poppins Returns Photos Are Simply Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Hold onto your flying umbrellas, kids! The official photos from Mary Poppins Returns are here, and they're practically perfect in every way. In addition to getting a look at Emily Blunt as the lovable nanny, we also see glimpses of Lin-Manuel Miranda's new character and a grown-up Michael (Ben Whishaw) and Jane (Emily Mortimer).

The sequel, set in 1930s Depression-era London (the time period of the original novels), will follow Mary as she revisits a grown-up Michael and Jane Banks to help them cope with a personal loss in their family. While nothing can top the original, the film certainly has some incredible stars lined up, including cameos from the original cast. We can't wait for even more exciting glimpses as the movie preps for its official release on Dec. 19.