Miley Cyrus and Adam Sandler Perform a Chilling and Beautiful Tribute to Las Vegas Shooting Victims

Miley Cyrus and Adam Sandler came together on The Tonight Show on Monday to pay tribute to the victims of the horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas on Sunday. Host Jimmy Fallon told the audience, "This morning, we woke up to the news of another senseless shooting. This time in Las Vegas. In the face of tragedies and acts of terror, we need to remember that good still exists in this world. We're here to entertain you tonight, and that's what we're going to do." The two then sang a beautiful rendition of Dido's "No Freedom," and Cyrus closed the show with her hit "The Climb."

Before the show, Cyrus spoke out on social media about the shooting that killed 59 and injured more than 400 others, saying, "In honor of the lives lost, injured and affected by the tragic shooting in Vegas, @fallontonight & I dedicated this show to not only mourning this horrific event but using this platform to encourage unity, peace & hopefulness! So we started this week off with a song I haven't performed in years...#TheClimb. These words mean more now to me than ever ... 'Keep The Faith' ..... Sending love to ALL! Enjoy the show tonight & #MileyWeek .... hope we can make you smile even thru so much pain."