28 Times You Wished You Were as Cool as Bill Murray

There's a reason the world loves Bill Murray. He's talented, he's funny, and he's been making us laugh for decades. (Literally, decades.) While he likes to joke around off the screen, we like our Murray most when he's up on the big screen. In honor of his birthday this week, we're looking at 28 GIFs that prove that Bill Murray is just naturally cooler than any of us can ever hope to be.

When he makes this face in Caddyshack.
Warner Bros.

When he makes this face in Caddyshack.

When he knows that pizza is still good in Stripes.
Columbia Pictures

When he knows that pizza is still good in Stripes.

Five-second rule.

When his mind is blown in Ghostbusters.
Columbia Pictures

When his mind is blown in Ghostbusters.

When he juggles cotton balls in his mouth in Little Shop of Horrors.
Warner Bros.

When he juggles cotton balls in his mouth in Little Shop of Horrors.

Even when he's a total jerk in Scrooged.
Paramount Pictures

Even when he's a total jerk in Scrooged.

And he just gets way worse.
Paramount Pictures

And he just gets way worse.

When he punches Ned in Groundhog Day.
Columbia Pictures

When he punches Ned in Groundhog Day.

When he teaches that alarm clock a lesson.
Columbia Pictures

When he teaches that alarm clock a lesson.

Then when he comes to the only obvious conclusion.
Columbia Pictures

Then when he comes to the only obvious conclusion.

And lets Punxsutawney Phil drive.
Columbia Pictures

And lets Punxsutawney Phil drive.

When was the last time you made a groundhog this happy?

When he appropriately celebrates a victory in Kingpin.

When he appropriately celebrates a victory in Kingpin.

Fun fact: Murray actually bowled three strikes in a row while filming a scene for this movie, which means he's a real-life Kingpin.

And then he surprises everyone with his humility.

And then he surprises everyone with his humility.

Then, when a lady breaks through his round exterior.
The Criterion Collection

Then, when a lady breaks through his round exterior.

When he finds the perfect place to drink.
The Criterion Collection

When he finds the perfect place to drink.

And also to smoke.
The Criterion Collection

And also to smoke.

When he sports this impressive facial hair in The Royal Tenenbaums.

When he sports this impressive facial hair in The Royal Tenenbaums.

And then decides you've had enough.

And then decides you've had enough.

When he really considers starting a jazz band in Lost in Translation.
Focus Features

When he really considers starting a jazz band in Lost in Translation.

Then when he is totally relaxed.
Focus Features

Then when he is totally relaxed.

When he lowers his body to get the best possible shower.
Focus Features

When he lowers his body to get the best possible shower.

Then when he's so sad.
Focus Features

Then when he's so sad.

When he rocks this sweet hat in Coffee and Cigarettes.
United Artists

When he rocks this sweet hat in Coffee and Cigarettes.

When he runs into somebody's fist in Broken Flowers.
Focus Features

When he runs into somebody's fist in Broken Flowers.

You should have seen the fist.

When he just cannot in Get Low.
Sony Pictures Classics

When he just cannot in Get Low.

All in all, Bill Murray is cooler than any of us can ever hope to be.
Everett Collection

All in all, Bill Murray is cooler than any of us can ever hope to be.

And that's OK.