Why It's OK to Support Bonnie and Damon as The Vampire Diaries' Next Big Couple

We know. It feels weird to root for Bonnie and Damon. But if The Vampire Diaries fans know anything, they know that Elena is the self-sacrificing sort, and she would totally be OK with her bestie getting with her BF while she's in a death sleep. Right? She's going to be asleep for 60 years, after all. She would want Bonnie and Damon to be happy, so it's OK for us to ship them. For real. Here are all the reasons we've been feeling like #Bamon is the next big couple in Mystic Falls.

The Way It All Begins
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The Way It All Begins

Sure, it starts a little adversarial, but even when they're enemies, there are still some pretty obvious fireworks.

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All Those Intense Stares
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All Those Intense Stares

Even the most diehard #Bamon skeptics can't deny their common interest in emotionally loaded, passionate stare-offs.

Playful Bickering
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Playful Bickering

Once the iciness melts between them, it develops into a good-spirited teasing that makes them best friends. Everybody knows that best friends make the best girl/boy friends.

They're Equally Scary
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They're Equally Scary

Don't mess with Bonnie or her friends because, well . . . you get Mad Bonnie. And you won't like Mad Bonnie.

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Or Damon when he's in blood rage. Together they are a force to be reckoned with.

All the Smiles
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All the Smiles

They enjoy each other, most of the time. And those times make all the bitter disagreements totally forgettable. Just look at them together.

They've Been Through a Lot Together
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They've Been Through a Lot Together

Like being stuck in an alternate dimension for months, working on the same crossword puzzle every day, and reliving the early '90s over and over. Oh . . . and the whole constantly almost-being-murdered-by-every-supernatural-creature-in-the-universe thing.

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All those dinners in the alternate universe just might be responsible for their friendship, and whatever else they have together.

Tears . . . and More Tears
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Tears . . . and More Tears

Of course Bonnie's not afraid to show her emotions, being a witch and connected to nature and all.

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But Damon is just as vulnerable as she is. They can be each others' shoulder to cry on.

Their Chemistry Is Real
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Their Chemistry Is Real

They obviously care about each other as friends, but you can't deny there's some heat there.

Healthy Suspicion
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Healthy Suspicion

Both Damon and Bonnie are aware of what the other is capable of, so they have a right to be skeptical of the other. A little mystery makes for a steamy romance.

Sometimes You Have to Just Accept What's Right in Front of You
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Sometimes You Have to Just Accept What's Right in Front of You

Although it will be hard to find their way together while Elena sleeps in her coffin, Bonnie and Damon have to be true to their feelings. And they can comfort each other's guilt along the way.

The Persuasive Nature of Those Eyebrows
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The Persuasive Nature of Those Eyebrows

Bonnie and Damon have partnered up in a lot of schemes, most of which Damon has to talk Bonnie into. But when you are a sucker for a particular gesture, you're already a goner.

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The same goes for Bonnie's eye squint. Damon can't resist it.

They're on Each Other's Side
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They're on Each Other's Side

No matter how harebrained the scheme is, Bonnie and Damon are in it together.

Nobody Wears the Pants
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Nobody Wears the Pants

The power is shared between the two of them pretty equally. Sometimes it's Bonnie calling the shots, sometimes Damon takes the lead, and they're both OK with that.

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Even if it takes a fair amount of convincing by the other one.

Bamon Is a Cure For the Elena-itis
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Bamon Is a Cure For the Elena-itis

How long can Bonnie and Damon pine for Elena? If they get together, maybe they can spend a little time enjoying their lives instead of moping around waiting for her to wake up.