A Simple Favor's Perfectly Parisian Soundtrack Will Make You Want a Croissant

As though Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick were not enough reason to get us to watch A Simple Favor, director Paul Feig's mystery thriller also features an insatiable musical playlist lined with the best sounds of French pop. In a movie about lust, revenge, and betrayal, the music has to be good. Your obsession with the soundtrack may have already started with the trailers themselves, which use Saint Privat's mischievous bossa nova-enhanced "Poisson Rouge" and Coeur de Pirate's sultry "Crier Tout Bas."

The film's music selection encompasses emotionally charged new and old French sounds. Besides Saint Privat and Coeur de Pirate, it showcases a heated track by popular rapper Orelsan ("Changement") and an impassioned ballad by jazzy singer-songwriter Zaz ("Les Passants"). In addition to newer musicians, A Simple Favor also draws on '60s nostalgia, noticeably using romantic Brigitte Bardot songs, such as "Une Histoire de Plage" and "La Madrague." The soulful songs are especially befitting given that the film is neo-noir, a genre that often uses moody, haunting music to tell stories.

Pour a glass of red wine and envision yourself listening to an old-timey record player at a French cafe — here is the entire soundtrack for A Simple Favor for your listening pleasure.

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"Poisson Rouge" by Saint Privat

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"Crier Tout Bas" by Coeur de Pirate

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"Comment te Dire Adieu (It Hurts to Say Goodbye)" by Francoise Hardy

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"Changement" by Orelsan

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"Bonnie and Clyde" by Brigitte Bardot and Serge Gainsbourg

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"La Madrague" by Brigitte Bardot

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"Une Histoire de Plage" by Brigitte Bardot

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"Les Cactus" by Jacques Dutronc

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