The Game of Thrones Season 8 Teaser Doesn't Show New Footage, but It Has SO Many Clues


We officially have a premiere date for Game of Thrones' final season, and HBO delivered the news in the best way: with an ominous season eight teaser that's downright chilling. While there's not much action or new scenes from the upcoming season, the video does feature three of the last children of House Stark — Jon, Sansa, and Arya — all together for the first time since season one. The teaser is less than a minute long, but it packs just enough detail in every frame to allow us to dig deep until the next trailer. In case you haven't watched it, oh, 800 times or so already like we have, keep reading to see every itty-bitty thing you might have missed.


The Long Walk

The Starks's journey through the crypts is very reminiscent of GoT's "The Long Walk" promo from season seven. The promo featured Jon, Cersei, and Daenerys walking toward their respective thrones, whereas the Starks are walking toward creepy foreshadowing.


Robert's Trip to Winterfell

Like King Robert Baratheon did eons ago, Jon passes by the statue of Lyanna Stark. Back in season one, episode one, Robert and his "family" stop by Winterfell, and the first thing Robert does is demand Ned takes him to Lyanna's grave. He lays a feather there, all the while telling Ned that he still has fantasies about killing Rhaegar. Ned attempts to convince him that all the Targaryens are dead, but Robert responds: "Not all of them." Boy, was he right!


Lyanna's Last Words

As Jon is passes by Lyanna's statue, the feather is blown out of her hands and drifts to the floor. Her voice can be heard saying, "You have to protect him." As we learned in season seven, these are the words Lyanna whispers to Ned on her deathbed in the Tower of Joy. The "him" she's referring to is Jon, her son with Rhaegar Targaryen.


Robert's Feather

Robert's aforementioned feather makes its own significant appearance in this teaser. When it blows out of Lyanna's hands, it lands on the floor as Jon walks away. There's a bit of irony in the fact that Robert made a vow to kill all the Targaryens (referring to Dany) and the one he should have truly been looking for was under his nose all along. And now, he can't do anything about it. The last time we saw the feather was in season five when Peytr recites the story of the Tourney at Harrenhal to Sansa.


Jon Looks Back

Though Jon doesn't pay much attention to Lyanna's statue while passing it, he does turn back before going too far. He looks around as if searching for someone, and it's like he heard his mother's voice somehow.


Lady of Winterfell

Next up we have Sansa, who looks like she never left the North, decked out in her full Lady of Winterfell garb.


An Intricate Braid

Many have noted that Sansa's hair tends to change along her journey — which some believe are ways to detect power hungriness — and her hairstyle in this teaser is a delicate combination of the Northern and Southern style braids.


Catelyn's Statue

Sansa walks past Catelyn's statue and spares it an apprehensive glance as she passes by. Considering how many believe that Sansa's journey has shaped her into a strong woman similar to her mother, it's not surprising that she would be the one to pass this particular statue. "All this horror that has come to my family. It's all because I couldn't love a motherless child," Catelyn says as Sansa passes her by. This particular quote is from season three, when Catelyn is talking to Robb's wife, Talisa. The motherless child in question is Jon, who Catelyn died believing was the bastard son of her beloved husband.


Does Catelyn Actually Have a Statue?

We're not sure if Catelyn actually has a statue in the crypt because traditionally, statues were only made for Kings in the North and Lords of Winterfell. Lord Eddard "Ned" Stark broke with tradition by creating statues of Brandon and Lyanna after Robert's rebellion. In line with their rule-breaking father, the Starks could have had a statue created for their mother after settling in.


A Girl Has No Name

Arya walks through the crypts as the second part of Catelyn's quote is spoken. She doesn't pass by any statues, but as her mother's words mark her journey, it's implied that they're meant for her as well.

It could also imply that though Arya has returned home and calls herself Stark again, a girl still has no name and thus, no one to look to on her long walk.


Ned Stark's Statue

Jon passes by Ned's statue, and this time he stops to look. "You are a Stark," Ned's voice-over recites. "You might not have my name, but you have my blood." Ned tells him this back in season one's second episode where they part for the last time. It's here that Ned promises to tell Jon about his mother the next time they meet, which of course never happens. It's assumed that Ned tells Jon this because the younger man was going off to take the Black at the Wall. The next time they would see each other, Jon would be safe from Robert's clutches and have no right to the throne, and thus could safely learn about his true parentage.


Ned Stark Returns

This is one statue we do know is actually canon, as it's where Sansa and Arya have their private reunion in season seven. Considering how significant Ned is to all his children (and nephew), it's safe to say that his grave will be revisited once more, perhaps even when Jon's true heritage is revealed. At least then Ned will have somewhat kept his promise.


Starks Reunited

This is the first time we've seen all three of these particular Stark children reunited! Everything said in the teaser concerns Jon's true parentage, but the way the voice overs end once the three come together, allude to the idea that it won't be a factor that separates them. They will remain a pack even when the they learn that Jon is half Targaryen and heir to the throne. Though it does make you wonder where Bran is . . .


A Shock in the Crypts

When the three Starks turn, they look properly confused and terrified, which makes sense considering what they're looking at.


Three New Statues

The three see a foreboding surprise: statues of the three of them, hinting that their own deaths might not be that far off.


Arya's Shock

This might be the first time since Arya properly took a level up in assassin that she looks truly scared.


Sansa's Fear

Sansa audibly gasps as she stares at her statue, seeming overcome with fear at what it represents.


Jon's Horror

Jon looks seriously disturbed as he stares at his statue, which is especially understandable considering he's died once before and probably wasn't hoping to do so again anytime soon.


It Gets Chilly

As the Starks stare at their statues, Jon's torch suddenly goes out and it gets visibly colder in the crypts. The three turn around as we see frost start covering the feather on the ground.


The Winds of Winter

Cold air and fog steadily invade the crypts, which perfectly foreshadows the danger mounting against the Starks in the form of the long winter and the Night King.


Weapons Drawn

As the cold air comes closer to the three, Jon draws Longclaw and Arya draws Needle — though we do get to see her Valyrian blade sheathed by her side. The two assume defensive positions on either side of Sansa and prepare for the oncoming battle that swiftly approaches. Since Winterfell is most likely going to be in the thick of battle as the Night King's army pours into Westeros, it's a sure sign that the Starks will be fighting for their lives. It looks like we'll seriously have to wonder which — if any — of them will make it out alive.


Crypts of Winterfell Teaser

Watch the video again to spot more details!

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