25 Schitt's Creek Scenes That Made Us Laugh, Cry, and Love the Rose Family to Pieces

Schitt's Creek is the single greatest TV show to grace this planet, and anyone who dares to disagree can "eat glass" — hypothetically, of course. No other series has ever made me laugh and cry (and cry-laugh) as much as the Canadian sitcom has, and though its 80 episodes are each short, they cram in tons of hysterical, touching, quotable, and surprising moments worth revisiting. And I must acknowledge the Rose family's unbeatable character growth, which is an utter joy to watch unfold.

Now that the sixth and final season has finally hit Netflix, it's the perfect time to take a walk down memory lane and look back on the scenes that make Schitt's Creek so darn lovable. With a little help from fellow POPSUGAR editors who also adore the show, I'm breaking down (simply) the best moments we can't get enough of, from the commonly cited exchanges to the under-the-radar antics you might have glossed over the first time around. Cozy up in your favorite David Rose-esque sweater, queue up some Mariah Carey, and check 'em all out ahead, in chronological order.

Johnny's Questionable Sleepwear (Season 1, Episode 2)

"This quick scene packs a hilarious punch, cramming so many good one-liners into just one minute. When Johnny discovers that his motel room ceiling is leaking, he wakes up Moira, who tearfully moans, 'I just finished crying myself to sleep' with mascara running down her face. Once woken up, David utters his famous 'I'm trying very hard not to connect with people right now' quote, and then proceeds to roast his dad's nightgown, saying, 'There's a whole Ebenezer Scrooge thing happening.' He doesn't stop there, adding a 'my best to Bob Cratchit' as Johnny storms off, which really sends me over the edge." — Victoria Messina, associate editor, Trending and Viral Features

Moira's Herb Ertlinger Wine Commercial (Season 1, Episode 6)

"God, Moira's wine commercial gets me every. single. time. A few details that make it rewatch-worthy include her peculiar pronunciation of 'crabapple,' the way she fumbles to grasp the wine glass, how she drunkenly says 'hi!,' and her various failed efforts to utter the name Herb Ertlinger correctly at the end. I don't know about you, but seeing this commercial on TV would absolutely make me want to buy a whole case of fruit wine — and it makes me want to go out drinking with Moira." — VM

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Moira and David Selling Allez-Vous Cosmetics (Season 1, Episode 8)

"I've gotta commend Moira and David's valiant though unsuccessful attempt at roping the locals into the Allez-Vous pyramid scheme. Not knowing that most of them are already entangled in the cosmetics brand scam, they organize a 'luncheon' in their 'adjoining suite,' where they spew facts about the products in cheesy salesperson-esque voices that make my entire body cringe. David's overly bronzed face is definitely a highlight, and Alexis's signature 'Oh my god, EW, David!' is the cherry on top for this scene." — VM

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Moira's Performance at Carl's Funeral (Season 1, Episode 9)

"When Johnny starts royally f*cking up his speech at the funeral of Bob's brother, Carl, Moira saves the day by interrupting with a dramatic rendition of 'Danny Boy,' and it's certainly one for the books. Later on, she's asked to sing it again next to Johnny, who's completely checked out while eating a sandwich and staring up at everyone else. His blank facial expression, combined with the loud sound of him chewing, is downright hysterical." — VM

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Johnny's Breathless Announcement (Season 1, Episode 13)

"The scene that immediately comes to mind is one I watch often when I need a laugh: the opening of the 13th and final episode of season one. The first thing we see is Johnny running — in a full suit, of course — past all of the town's landmarks, like Bob's Garage and Café Tropical. All you can hear are his designer dress shoes slapping the pavement and his deep wheezing. He finally reaches the motel and the scene flicks to Moira, David, and Alexis, who are halfheartedly making breakfast in their room. When Johnny enters, hunched over, lungs burning, trying to smile and express some kind of joy because he can't speak through his breathing, his wife and children simply stare at him, deadpan. The gasping goes on for so long that David even turns to look behind him, checking to see if he's being Punk'd. Finally, Johnny manages to say that they're 'getting out' of Schitt's Creek, and they all celebrate. The iconic — IMHO — scene is capped off with the ever-dramatic Moira sobbing as she crawls across the floor to where Johnny's still catching his breath. It's so underrated and makes me cry-laugh every damn time." — Alessia Santoro, editor, Family

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David's Escape to Amish Country (Season 2, Episode 1)

"David running away is exactly how I would've done it: Tell one person so you can be safe, but try and live your life. Moira being preoccupied by her bag truly makes the scene. Even as the group is yelling to each other over the fence, the exasperation is clear on the Amish person's face. David's pose with the hay fork is one that's been the background of my phone for ages, and I even have a sticker of it on my computer because it always makes me smile." — Grayson Gilcrease, assistant editor, Celebrity and Entertainment

David and Moira Making Enchiladas (Season 2, Episode 2)

"One of the best moments in the show has to be when Moira and David make her 'famous' enchiladas. Neither of them have any business being in the kitchen, and while David is trying to be so earnest in accomplishing something, Moira is trying to keep hidden the fact she's likely never made an enchilada in her life. Hearing them repeat 'fold in the cheese' while they both get more flustered always has me in stitches. I yell 'fold in the cheese' all the time. Catherine and Dan's expressions and back and forth really make the scene." — GC

"The folding in the cheese scene where David and Moira are making enchiladas is what made me fall in love with this show. It manages to be so relatable and so ridiculous at the same time, and it makes me smile every time I watch it." — India Yaffe, assistant editor, Shop

Moira's Jazzagals Audition (Season 2, Episode 3)

"Seemingly intimidated by the previous singer's powerhouse vocals, Moira totally botches her Jazzagals audition with a maraca-like noisemaker in hand. As she spirals into an incoherent, scatting mess, the camera pans to capture the group's reactions, which are all appropriately confused. Come for Moira's oddly lopsided wig, stay for Jocelyn's 'that was . . . different!'" — VM

Mutt Gifting Alexis a Bike (Season 2, Episode 4)

"One of my favorite Schitt's Creek moments is when Mutt gets Alexis a bike that she really doesn't want (mostly because it's not a car). It's funny that Alexis is trying to hide the fact that she can't ride a bike rather than just telling Mutt the truth, but what makes the scene incredible is that David knows the truth and openly encourages Alexis to take it for a spin while Mutt is in the room. The ridiculous looks Alexis and David exchange during this scene make this a peak relatable sibling moment and illustrate their relationship in the most hilarious way." — Chanel Vargas, assistant editor, Trending and Viral Features

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Johnny and David's "Write-off" Argument (Season 2, Episode 6)

"Shortly after starting his gig at the Blouse Barn, David starts taking advantage of tax write-offs without fully understanding what they are and how they work in the first place. Once Johnny notices a handful of David's recent purchases, including a fancy lamp and bedsheets, he calls him out and not-so-calmly explains how the products do not, indeed, qualify for write-offs. Seeing as Johnny typically has an even-toned demeanor throughout the series, it's thrilling to see him totally lose his sh*t. If I could tag myself in this scene, I'd be Stevie purposely sticking around to witness the drama and sarcastically asking if booze can qualify as a write-off." — VM

Moira Rose's Crazed Laugh (Season 2, Episode 6)

"I honest to god don't think I've ever rewound a scene more times than this one in my entire life. Hearing Catherine O'Hara laugh like a wild hyena without even moving her mouth is utterly iconic and sure to never be forgotten. It's both haunting and impressive. I only wish I was there the day that she tried it for the first time on camera to witness everyone else's reactions." — Samantha Sasso, associate editor and content strategist, Native Beauty

Mutt's Annual Barn Party (Season 2, Episode 13)

"I have to call out the barn party. I began the series with assurances from coworkers and friends that it would make me laugh a lot, but I never anticipated that the show would make me cry, until this moment at the end of season two. When Moira and Johnny crashed Mutt's barn party — telling their kids that they 'have great affection' for them, and that 'tonight, we are dancing as a family' — I was a blubbering mess. It was the first time you could see past the dysfunction to a family that really cares for each other. I knew then that this show had a lot of heart." — Karen Snyder Duke, editor, Voices

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Moira and Johnny Buy a Car (Season 3, Episode 3)

"I've gotta hand it to Moira: she really pulls out all the stops to get a good deal on a car for her family. Donning raggedy clothes and a mullet-like wig, she fakes an absurd British accent that always catches me off guard when she starts speaking to the car salesman. She even rips off her Sunrise Bay character's tragic backstory (see: getting stolen from her crib at birth by Russian mobsters, in case you need a refresher), which winds up helping her and Johnny seal the deal on their used ride. She's nothing if not committed." — VM

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David's Awkward Voicemails For Patrick (Season 3, Episode 8)

"Shortly after meeting Patrick for the first time, David leaves him a series of cringe-worthy voicemails about starting his new business, but keeps messing up each one because he's so nervous. As someone who abhors leaving voicemails for strangers, I deeply relate to David's flustered delivery and overthinking of the entire scenario. If the 'Hi David, it's Patrick' doesn't make you LOL, his out-of-the-blue 'ciao' certainly will." — VM

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Alexis's High School Graduation (Season 3, Episode 13)

"On the night of Alexis's high school graduation, she's visibly pretty bummed when Ted is the only person who shows up to support her. But then, out come Moira and her Jazzagals for a surprise on-stage performance of 'Baby I'm Yours' during the ceremony — and out come my tears. The loving looks Moira and Alexis exchange while the group sings are sweet enough to melt even the coldest of hearts into a pile of mush. This moment is a far cry from their awkward mother-daughter lunch outing at Café Tropical earlier in season three, wouldn't you say?" — VM

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Patrick's Open Mic Night Performance (Season 4, Episode 6)

"If I'm really in the mood to cry my eyes out like a bebe but need something to get the tears flowing, I queue up Patrick's Open Mic Night performance. Heck, even listening to the audio alone gets me weepy! Noah Reid's voice is just so damn pure, and watching David morph from embarrassed to emotional is such a treat." — VM

"Simply the best scene in the show has to be when Patrick serenades David with a cover of Tina Turner's 'Simply the Best' at Rose Apothecary. This is the moment David realizes Patrick loves him, and the look in his eyes is so heartwarming that David wasn't the only one crying (see: me and Moira)." — CV

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David Giving Ted Love Advice (Season 4, Episode 12)

"This scene in the season four finale, 'Singles Week,' perfectly encapsulates this show: it's heartwarming, relatable as hell, and SO EMOTIONAL. Reeling from Patrick telling him he loved him, David offers some sage words of advice to Ted, who's contemplating his relationship with Alexis. I was a total Ted and Alexis shipper since season one, and this being that pivotal moment that changed everything — from David, no less! — shows just how far these characters have come, and how much more they have to grow. 'When you've got it, don't let it go.' Words to live by, kids! (Also, don't eat any treats at a vet's office.)" — Charisandra Perez, coordinator, Social Media and Partnerships

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Johnny's Christmas Eve Celebration (Season 4, Episode 13)

"Poor Johnny goes through quite the journey to get the Christmas Eve celebration he craves so badly. It takes a while to get his family on board — what with David's refusal to spend money on decorations instead of an espresso machine and Alexis's misunderstanding about the guest list — but after Johnny storms off to the Café for meatloaf night, they wind up pulling together the perfect last-minute bash in the motel to surprise him. The look of joy on Johnny's face when he spots the glued-together tree decked out in garland and lights is too pure for this world, proving he's a treasure we must protect at all costs." — VM

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David, Alexis, and Stevie Trying on Moira's Wigs (Season 5, Episode 1)

"The fifth season kicks off with Johnny sharing a brief phone call with Moira, who's away filming The Crows Have Eyes 3: The Crowening. David, Alexis, and Stevie try on her precious wigs — a move they'd never get away with if she were in town, obviously — and chime in on the call. I can't quite pinpoint why, but seeing David in that blond wig with blunt bangs makes me chuckle every time, especially when he says, 'Oh my god, that's so embarrassing. You must feel ridiculous,' to Johnny after Moira hangs up on him. It's one of his finest facial expression moments." — VM

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Alexis's "A Little Bit Alexis" Performance (Season 5, Episode 8)

"I think about this scene once every few weeks. When I'm in a good mood, I can't help but hum 'la la la la la la la,' and if the mood strikes, I may or may not pretend to be riding in a Lamborghini like a Hollywood star. Alexis's unexpected dance moves, purple velvet dress, and unique singing voice make this one of the funniest moments on the show, and I think we should all treat ourselves like expensive sushi." — CV

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Patrick's Proposal (Season 5, Episode 13)

"Patrick's romantic picnic proposal may not go as planned (see: the whole stick-piercing-his-foot situation), but it's still a beautiful moment to witness nonetheless. Although David complains excessively about the length of the hike at first, he winds up carrying Patrick on his back up the mountain after his boyfriend sustains a foot injury, proving that his relationship has made him drastically more selfless than when the series began. Patrick's proposal speech is beyond sweet, naturally, and the genuine emotion on David's face can be felt through the screen. His initial response to seeing the set of new gold rings — 'Are these 24 karat?' — is a classic David reaction, which he follows up with an excited 'it's a yes!' It's damn-near impossible to watch this scene without beaming from ear to ear." — VM

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Stevie's Cabaret Performance (Season 5, Episode 14)

"Y'all, does Stevie totally crush it as Sally Bowles, or does she totally freakin' crush it?! Although she's hesitant to be involved in the Cabaret production at first, she winds up owning the lead role, which is a huge milestone for her growth as a character. Watching Moira beam with pride from behind the curtain while Stevie belts out 'Maybe This Time' is such a sweet moment, too." — VM

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Alexis and Ted's Breakup (Season 6, Episode 8)

"Whew, this one is a real sucker punch to the gut. As a day-one fan of Alexis and Ted, I was in shambles watching them decide to end their relationship, but they do so in such a beautiful, bittersweet way, sharing one last dinner date at Café Tropical. Their breakup is definitely for the best — Alexis is able to continue pursuing her career in publicity, while Ted can live out his dream of working in the Galapagos Islands — and it demonstrates just how much they grew, both together and individually. Kudos to Annie Murphy and Dustin Milligan for bringing this moving scene to life so flawlessly." — VM

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Moira's Appearance at David and Patrick's Wedding (Season 6, Episode 14)

"Rarely is there an episode where I don't have to pause to consider Moira's eclectic outfits, but I know I wasn't the only one who gasped when she enters David and Patrick's wedding ceremony looking as divine as Herb Ertlinger wine. Much like Rihanna's Pope-inspired look at the 2018 Met Gala, Moira's outfit caught my eye and had me examining every detail — including those gold gloves, the massive accent necklace, and the four-foot wig that wraps around her hat." — CV

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David and Patrick's Wedding Vows (Season 6, Episode 14)

"I'm fully convinced no other wedding vows will ever live up to David and Patrick's — both in real life and on screen. Patrick totally knocks his out of the park, breaking out into singing 'Always Be My Baby' as a sweet nod to David's undying love for Mariah Carey. David follows up by tearfully expressing how he's 'never known love' like the love they share, and finishes with an inside joke about Patrick being his 'happy ending.' I deeply relate to Stevie completely sobbing her eyes out in the background throughout the ceremony, because that's precisely what I look like every time I rewatch this scene." — VM

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