Exclusive: Tituss Burgess's Empowering "Learn to Love" Music Video Will Move You to Tears

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Tituss Burgess is sharing a powerful message of self-acceptance with his new "Learn to Love" music video, and POPSUGAR has an exclusive first look. The video, which also features Hamilton star Daniel J. Watts, shows the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt star being completely vulnerable as he sings about learning to love himself, imperfections and all. Not only is the message of body positivity incredibly powerful, but Burgess's gorgeous vocals will make you shed a few tears.

The emotional track comes from the singer's latest EP, Saint Tituss, which he describes as "incredibly personal." "This isn't a fictional character from a musical or a TV show," he told POPSUGAR. "This is Tituss. Saint Tituss. A saint is just a sinner who fell and decided to get back up. I am refusing to let anything keep me down. I am getting up by bringing my past experience along with my present truth and my future vision to share with the world."

"This isn't a fictional character from a musical or a TV show. This is Tituss."

Even though he admitted it can be difficult at times to "show his scars" and "share his truth" though his new music, he has also come to learn that "the power in doing so is remarkably freeing." "I am proud to have found the strength to be vulnerable, because that's where I get to make a difference," he added. "That's how I know this work matters."

With his new music video, he also hopes to inspire others who are experiencing self-doubt. "I think everyone has felt 'not enough' no matter their background — what they look like, where they come from, or what they have," he said. "I hope this song impacts the listener in a variety of ways. I hope it helps people to realize they are not alone. We all have to work toward recognizing what makes us different is what makes us special. These imperfections that we often see as things to hide — moles, wrinkles, stretch marks, scars — these are stories. Blemishes of beauty. With this video, I wish to help people realize that they are beautiful and deserving of love. We are all stories to be told."