Here's What We Know About John Graham, the "Venmo Guy" From The Bachelorette

We've met plenty of interesting gentlemen on The Bachelorette over the years. From extremely handsome to extremely smart to extremely strange, there is no shortage of different personalities on the franchise. However, we haven't met anyone quite like John Graham. For one, you owe the 28-year-old a thank-you letter if you have the Venmo app on your phone . . .

  1. He's from San Francisco. It makes sense that a successful tech guy would live in the Bay Area.
  2. He helped launch the money transfer app Venmo. That's right! As the fifth person hired to the team, he's one of the guys you should be thanking for eliminating the need to get separate checks. To give you an idea of John's net worth, Braintree bought Venmo in 2012 for $26.2 million. Then, the following year, PayPal bought Braintree for $800 million. So yeah, we can only assume that John is doing well for himself. But that hasn't stopped him from working! He's also the creator of the drawing app Teleportante, and now he is a product engineer at The Fin Exploration Company.
  3. He has a major sweet tooth — so much so that he mentions it in his Instagram and Twitter bios.
  4. He works off all those calories by running . . . a lot. John has participated in a variety of runs, like a 5k mud run and a 10-miler. No wonder he's in such great shape despite the ice cream and milkshakes!
  5. He goes by Chef G on his video cooking show. John and his friend provide cooking tips in their fun, creative show described as "two homies keeping it real in the kitchen." And who doesn't love a man who can cook?