Foodie Dad Has the Coolest Way to Teach His Son Geography

Parents creating incredible food art with and for their kids is nothing new, but using it as an educational tool sure is. Chris Durso, who runs the food culture site Foodiggity, is also the father of an 8-year-old son — one with strikingly similar interests to those of his dad. Durso shared on his site:

"It began innocently enough with, 'Dad . . . What if you made States, but like, they were made of food, like?' My response was something along the lines of, 'That's been done to death already, son . . . Go to bed.' Then, the heir to the Foodiggity empire added, 'But what if they like had funny names like New Pork or New Jerky, like?' Now, we were on to something."

Since that conversation, the pair has been plowing through the country, one state at a time, to come up with some seriously clever culinary/geographic puns. They're about halfway done with the project, and we're having a tough time picking our favorite! Check out what the father-son duo has shared thus far, and follow Foodiggity on Instagram to stay on top of what's next!

South Dacocoa Puffs
Instagram | Foodiggity

South Dacocoa Puffs

North Carolima Beans
Instagram | Foodiggity

North Carolima Beans

Ohioatmeal Raisin
Instagram | Foodiggity

Ohioatmeal Raisin

Rocky Rhode Island
Instagram | Foodiggity

Rocky Rhode Island