115+ Gorgeous Names For Girls That Start With the Letter A

Choosing a baby name by the letter it begins with is a common practice in particular religions but can also come as a personal choice for a family based on nothing more than the fact that they like the letter. As a woman with an A name, I might be biased, but baby girl names that begin with the letter A are all so stunning, we could probably eliminate every other first initial out there — OK, maybe not, but seriously, these are all too great to not add at least a few to your potential list!

Ahead, find over 115 cute names for your baby girl that all start with the first letter of the alphabet.

Girl Names That Start With A

  1. Abigail
  2. Abrielle
  3. Acadia
  4. Ada
  5. Adalyn
  6. Addison
  7. Addy
  8. Adelaide
  9. Adele
  10. Adella
  11. Adeya
  12. Adora
  13. Adra
  14. Adrian
  15. Agate
  16. Agnes
  17. Aida
  18. Aiden
  19. Aileen
  20. Ailis
  21. Ainsley
  22. Aisling
  23. Aisly
  24. Alana
  25. Alanis
  26. Alba
  27. Alessandra
  28. Alessia
  29. Alexis
  30. Alice
  31. Alicia
  32. Alina
  33. Allegra
  34. Allison
  35. Allona
  36. Alma
  37. Althea
  38. Alyse
  39. Alyssa
  40. Alyx
  41. Amabella
  42. Amadi
  43. Amalia
  44. Amanda
  45. Amari
  46. Amaya
  47. Amber
  48. Amelia
  49. Amethyst
  50. Amie
  51. Amina
  52. Amity
  53. Amma
  54. Amory
  55. Ana
  56. Anais
  57. Analise
  58. Andes
  59. Andrea
  60. Andy
  61. Aneesa
  62. Angela
  63. Angelica
  64. Angelina
  65. Anika
  66. Anita
  67. Annabelle
  68. Annie
  69. Annis
  70. Antoinette
  71. Antonia
  72. Anya
  73. Aoife
  74. Aphrodite
  75. April
  76. Arabella
  77. Arden
  78. Aretha
  79. Argentina
  80. Aria
  81. Ariana
  82. Ariella
  83. Arielle
  84. Arla
  85. Arlee
  86. Arlene
  87. Arwen
  88. Ash
  89. Asha
  90. Ashlynn
  91. Ashton
  92. Asia
  93. Astrid
  94. Atara
  95. Athena
  96. Atlas
  97. Aubrey
  98. Audra
  99. Audrey
  100. Audrina
  101. Aura
  102. Aurelia
  103. Aurora
  104. Autumn
  105. Ava
  106. Aveline
  107. Avery
  108. Avianna
  109. Aviel
  110. Avril
  111. Aya
  112. Ayala
  113. Ayesha
  114. Ayla
  115. Aylin
  116. Aza
  117. Azure