"Watch Me Sip My Chardonae-Nae" Thanksgiving Parody Is Sure to Crack You Up

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Preparing a meal for tons of family members on Thanksgiving is hard enough when you're childless, but once you have kids — who come equipped with picky-eating tendencies, food-throwing behaviors, and under-foot-hovering capacities — the ability to flawlessly execute a holiday of this magnitude becomes compromised.

The Holderness family — who are, in our honest opinion, parody experts — combined three popular songs ("Hotline Bling," "Watch Me Whip," and "Hello") to create the ultimate Thanksgiving parody mashup in support of all parents cooking their holiday meal with kiddos (and in-laws) present.

Watch the video to see the playful parody, and remember, always enjoy your "Chardonae-nae" responsibly.