Jillian Michaels Reflects on Her Son Pooping in the School Parking Lot: "We're at a Different School Now"

Jillian Michaels is known for being a confident, takes-no-sh*t trainer in the fitness world, but at home, she's dealing with literal sh*t. The mom of two recently sat with People to discuss some of her toughest parenting moments, including the most embarrassing incident: when she found out her 5-year-old son, Phoenix, pooped in the middle of his school's parking lot.

Walking her son into school the following day, Michaels kept getting the question "How's Phoenix?" and knew something had to be going on, but her partner, Heidi Rhoades, had neglected to inform her of the goings on of the day before.

"I was like, what the f*ck is going on here?" Michaels recalled, laughing. "There's a really sweet guy in the parking lot named Shawn, and he's like, 'Oh, my boy took a sh*t right here in the parking lot. . . ' I called Heidi and was like, 'He took a sh*t in the middle of the playground [and] you didn't even bother to tell me?!' I walked into this little sh*t storm, everybody was pissed, [Heidi] says 'it's not a big deal.' 'Well let me tell you, the school, they think it's a big deal,'" Michaels told her. She added, suddenly serious, "We're at a different school now . . . a better school."

Although we're not quite sure how old Phoenix was at the time of the incident, we're going to go ahead and assume he was a toddler, because as we all know, toddlers are the worst. Watch the rest of the video above to hear more about how Michaels tackles her biggest parenting hurdles and whether she's the stricter parent compared to Heidi.