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Worrying comes with being a parent — from the second a child is born, the worrying starts — you just want to keep them safe and healthy. Now it seems that parents' fears may be changing with the times — according to the ninth annual C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, parents (and adults without children) are now more worried about children sexting than they are about them smoking cigarettes.

In 2014, sexting wasn't even one of the top 10 concerns that adults expressed as "big problems" regarding children's health, but it's now ranked No. 6 this year. Not only that, but it has also beat out worries about teen pregnancy, school violence (last year's No. 5), and stress.

These results have been pulled from adults in different ethnic groups, living in different communities. However, the results differ among specific groups. For instance, for African American adults, sexting didn't make the top 10, but hunger and alcohol abuse did — proving that results to studies like this one will likely be based on a family's daily surroundings.

See the infographic below of the general results to compare last year's standings to this year, and let us know which of these is at the top of your list of worries.

Source: C.S. Mott Children's Hospital