Organization Is a Nice Dream, but My House Is a Mess, and I Don't Care

Between New Year's resolutions and Marie Kondo's Netflix show, Tidying Up, it seems like everyone is loving de-cluttering and organizing their lives and homes. And I get it. Cleaning your home, even one room, feels pretty euphoric. It can make you feel lighter, brighter, and ready to tackle all those other goals on your to-do list. But for me, it's not happening. My house is a chaotic and unorganized mess, and I just don't care.

I don't care about my house looking pretty, because the kids will just mess it up anyway. I have more Legos in my house than I have brain cells.

I know I must be speaking for many parents when I say that I don't have the time or energy to care about organizing my entire home. Yes, I donate my kids' clothes and toys as they grow out of them, but to actually carve out time to organize it all, especially in an aesthetically pleasing way? Yeah, no. Honestly, it's a struggle to just survive the weekly grind — school, work, the kids' activities, lunches and dinners. All of those factors interfere with things at the bottom of my to-do list, like organizing.

In addition to the fact that I never seem to have enough time in a day, I also don't care about my house looking pretty, because the kids will just mess it up anyway. I have more Legos in my house than I have brain cells. If I were to de-clutter (and trust me, I've tried), it would most certainly find a way to multiply and spread all over the house again. So for now, I'm going to keep embracing the chaos.

I will admit that when I walk into people's homes who've clearly got their sh*t together, I get a little jealous. My sister-in-law, for example, is an organized queen. When I open up her closets and food cupboards, everything is labeled and neat. I'm so impressed that people out there can do things like this, but I'm also at peace with the fact that I'm not one of them. And that doesn't mean my home and life are bad. It's actually pretty beautiful, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Maybe one day when my kids are older — or, let's be honest, out of the house — I'll find the time and energy to beautifully organize my home. But until then, you can find me happily in the mess.