Amy Schumer Spent Her Birthday the Best Way She Knew How — With Baby Gene, of Course!

Apparently partying has taken on a whole new meaning for mama Amy Schumer. The 38-year-old comedian celebrated her birthday on June 1 by getting in some serious snuggle time with her 1-month-old son, Gene, and her adorable pup. The new mom shared a photo on Instagram of the laid-back moment with the caption "This sh*t is [bananas]", and holy moly, it doesn't get any cuter than that.

And we're not alone in our thoughts! A handful of Amy's celebrity friends weighed in on the tender moment, too. "That looks soooo comfy," Miley Cyrus wrote. Supermodel Tess Holliday also gave Amy some words of encouragement: "It's so rough, and beautiful and then super stressful and then back to full blown, heart bursting, full of love moments. I guess I'm saying: you're doing great." We tend to agree — happy birthday, Amy!