Famous Work From Home Dad Returns to BBC News With His Whole Family, and It's Quality

Professor Robert Kelly, the dad known for his daughter crashing a live BBC News interview while he was working from home in 2017, is back on live TV with his whole family in tow. On March 26, Robert and his wife, Jung-a Kim, reported on how South Koreans are handling the lockdown right now and what it's like to work from home with his two children.

Sitting on their parents' laps for most of the interview, it seems that Robert's little ones were not all that impressed with being on TV. After squirming around for the bulk of the interview, Robert's son got up and left to retrieve a computer game he was hoping to play. Throw in all the bear hugs he's getting from his daughter throughout the segment, and we're all about this energy.

Obviously, the parents of Twitter could totally relate to the scenario: "Hahahaha. I'm imagining me and my kid in this scenario. mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom. Mom check this out. Mom. Can I have a snack? Mom," wrote one mother. Another parent chimed in saying, "This is why I can't work from home." Yep, that pretty much sums up all of our feelings during this period of self-isolation and social distancing!