These 21 Photos of Dads Wearing Babies Will Leave You a Little Hot Under the Collar

Yeah, we're going to need the fire department over here: the post ahead contains photos of men wearing their babies, and it's the hottest thing we've seen since man discovered fire (funny the things that leave you hot under the collar once you've become a parent, huh?). As if a man simply holding a baby isn't already hotter than a Summer heatwave (doesn't even need to be his baby, but bonus points if, as Maury Povich says, they are the father), dads sporting various carriers and slings with their babes in tow is downright dreamy.

Ahead, find several dads who are about to prove that there isn't anything much sexier than a dad who's baby-wearing. (You've been warned.) (Enjoy.)


OK, dad, we see you.

Grace Shirk

Sun's out, carrier's out.

Instagram | sennhauser

He's not a regular dad, he's a cool dad.

Chardan Slings

Model dad working it for the candid.

Jordan Farhat

Sunnies, check. Blue steel, check.

Instagram | house_of_ho

Just a dad, effortlessly eating ramen, gazing into his baby's eyes.

Tõnis Lõugas

Chill dad mode, activated.

Instagram | larissafopeano

This dad has a lot on his plate, but he looks cool, calm, and collected.


Carrying a baby and kissing their head? It's all too much.

Chelsea Jenica

A smiley dad rocking a baby carrier is all we need in this life.

Tigran (Tiger) Wiggins

That protective hand on baby's back, though.

Sara Peck

Bearded baby-wearing dad for the win.

The Woodhouse Life

This dad and his babe are all smiles.

Loharano Fitiavana

The more printed the baby carrier, the hotter the dad, we think.

Lori & Jens Quast

We can't even focus on the scenery behind this dad right now.


We need a bite of that cold ice cream cone after all these photos.

Chris Howell

Hiking is so much better when dad carries you.