Grab a Tissue! This Dog Beat the Odds and Found Her Family After the California Wildfires

Clint and Kathy Weaver of Northern California lost almost everything during the brutal wildfires. The couple lost their home of 30 years, and in their haste to make it to safety, their dog, Izzy, escaped and they were unable to find her before leaving. The couple's son Jack told People, "My mom tried to go after her but she had to get out. My mom was just devastated."

But in a video posted to Facebook by the couple's daughter Beckyjean Widen, her husband, Patrick, and her brother Jack can be seen checking out the damage to Clint and Kathy's property and hoping against hope that Izzy might still be around waiting for her family. As the pair crest the hill onto the family's property, Izzy comes bounding out, ready to be reunited with her family, and we can barely hold back the tears.

"She is a miracle dog, she survived cancer twice," Jack told People. "And now she's lived through a fire, she's an incredible dog, and the sweetest dog." Check out the touching video above, and make sure you watch to the end.