This Girl's Method to Beg Her Dad For a Puppy Was So Clever, Even J.K. Rowling Supported Her

Having studied my habits and preferences, my daughter hacked my attention this morning for her political agenda

— Brendan Greeley (@bhgreeley) March 21, 2018

Brendan Greeley started Wednesday, March 21 just like every other morning — by reading his newspaper. On this morning, however, Greeley says that his daughter, "having studied my habits and preferences," made a chess move in her mission to obtain a pet that he couldn't help but give in to her.

After his girl "hacked" his attention with "Can I please get a puppy?" handwritten in all caps at the top of the "Companies" section of the paper ("A real one," she clarified), the economics writer tweeted a photo of the newspaper, which quickly went viral. So viral, in fact, that even J.K. Rowling saw and retweeted it (obviously in support of the girl, because come on, this kid is clever).

Me: Well now we have to get her a puppy
Wife: No we don't

— Brendan Greeley (@bhgreeley) March 22, 2018

I sure hope @jk_rowling will be showing up to clean our carpets after this

— Brendan Greeley (@bhgreeley) March 22, 2018

After seeing the internet's collective reaction, Greeley and his wife were unable to deny their girl's request for a puppy, so they welcomed their new fur baby the day after . . . but with a condition. Greeley addressed "#teampuppy" on Twitter to explain that they won, and his daughter would be getting her puppy, but he wanted everyone who supported her mission to donate to the SPCA.

Ok, #teampuppy, you win. We're getting a puppy. Here's the deal: we'll clean up poop. But you have to donate to the SPCA. @AoDespair @jk_rowling @mollywood @chucktodd @MaraLiasson @AADaddario @moorgatemermaid @bbcjonsopel @katiephang @susanpage @SRuhle

— Brendan Greeley (@bhgreeley) March 22, 2018

On Friday, March 23, Greeley again took to Twitter, where he updated his bio information about his family — which previously read, "Wife, children, dog" — to add "AND NOW EVIDENTLY A DAMN PUPPY, TOO," and shared photos of J.K. Growling.

Dear internet: Please meet JK Rowling Greeley. He's quite fierce. Also, the @aaspca thanks you for the flood of donations. I'm not quite sure what just happened, but this is what it looks like. Also: he has already pooped in the living room.

— Brendan Greeley (@bhgreeley) March 23, 2018


— Brendan Greeley (@bhgreeley) March 24, 2018

Three cheers all around for this little girl, who is clearly going places (with a seriously cute puppy in tow).