Girl Took Hilarious Timed Notes on Her Dad's Emotions Throughout the Super Bowl

Emotions were running high in houses across the nation during the Super Bowl no matter what team was being supported, but thanks to one hilarious little girl, we have minute-by-minute details of her father's reactions throughout the big game. Although things may not have seemed that exciting from the inside of their living room, her commentary has made it seem like the most interesting behavior study ever conducted.

"Dad screams, 8:49," says the first line written after her initial report about the halftime show. "Dad screams, 8:51. Dad screams again, 8:51."

The girl's riveting commentary begins to get even more interesting at 9:22 — after a "Weird commercial" at 8:56 — when her dad "fought with dog" (over what, we'll never know), which was followed by a roller coaster of emotions from then until the end of the game. "Dad does his evil laugh, 9:23. Dad screams, 9:29. Dad is the happiest person, 9:49. Overtime, 9:50. Dad cries, 10:30."

Although we're assuming her dad is a Patriots fan who cried happy tears over the team's win, even the commenters on the Reddit thread where the photo was posted are confused. However, that small detail doesn't affect how hysterical her notes are in the least — this girl totally has a future in (comedic) behavioral psychology.