A Letter to My Mom on My First Mother's Day as a Mom

Dear Mom,

This year I celebrate my first Mother's Day as a mom, and I have a few things I'd like to share with you. First, you've always said that being a mom is the greatest gift you've ever received. I probably used to roll my eyes every time you said it, but now I know you were right — there is truly nothing like this. Rearing twins (Leos, nonetheless) seems like quite the chore, but you always saw it as a blessing. Speaking of twins, how did you feed two babies at once? I respect you even more now that I know how hard breastfeeding just one baby is. I can't imagine two! Frankly, my body aches just thinking about it.

Thank you for filling our lives with so much fun, joy, laughter, and love. We built snowmen in the Winter, planted flowers in the Summer, and went all-out for the holidays every year. Thank you for sharing your love of '80s music, Dirty Dancing, and thrift stores. Thank you for letting me see Rent at a young age, which inspired me to get on stage and discover my love for the arts. Thank you for teaching me how to cook (your lasagna and Christmas cookies will never be beat!). Thank you for instilling in us the importance of giving back. You are selfless and have a huge heart.

I love that you're a natural extrovert and befriend everyone you meet. Now that I'm a mother, I hope to teach my daughter to have that very same interest in learning about others and giving back while expecting nothing in return. I also hope to instill in her the strength you have always shown me growing up. I've watched you go through hard times, and you've always come out stronger on the other side. You inspire me to stay positive even if it seems next to impossible. Motherhood hasn't been the easiest ride so far, but your help and guidance fills me with so much gratitude. Thank you for still holding my hand, even though I'm now the one that needs to hold someone else's little hand.

So, this year, on my first Mother's Day as a mom, I celebrate you for all you've done for me, and strive to be the kind of mom you've always been — one who inspires creativity, creates big and beautiful worlds for her little girl, and is selfless, loving, and kind. I never understood what it all meant until I looked at my daughter. While I fell so in love with her, I also loved you more in that moment than I ever thought possible. Your sacrifices and unending love became so clear to me. On this Mother's Day, and every day after it, I'll strive to be even half as good of a mom as you are. I learned from the best, and I can't wait to see what else you have to teach me.

All my love,
Your Little Girl, Turned Big Girl, Turned Mama